August 2, 2021

New Theory Hints at More Efficient Way to Develop Quantum Algorithms

Research points to a way to design efficient quantum algorithms systematically, not by trial and error.

July 29, 2021

Watching Light Break Down a Model Photocatalyst in Near Real Time

Researchers take ultrafast infrared spectroscopy snapshots of how light breaks down gas phase iron pentacarbonyl.

June 15, 2021

A Cousin of Table Salt Could Make Energy Storage Faster and Safer

A material with a disordered rock salt structure could help make batteries safer, faster-charging, and able to store more energy.

June 4, 2021

Labeling the Thale Cress Metabolites

A new data pipeline identifies metabolites following heavy isotope labeling.

April 27, 2021

Advancing Understanding of Heavy Elements at the Edge of the Periodic Table

State-of-the-art techniques expand scientists’ fundamental understanding of heavy element 99, Einsteinium.

April 22, 2021

Watching the Evolution of Nanostructures in Thin Films

Scientists discover a high-resolution X-ray fluorescence probe to measure nanostructures in thin films.

April 21, 2021

Bringing the Power of Chemical Fuels to Artificial Building Blocks

Chemical fuel assembles molecules with multiple unstable bonds.

April 20, 2021

Green Algae Express Genes More Like Bacteria than Previously Thought

Transcription of adjacent genes into a single RNA molecule is widespread in green algae, challenging understanding of gene expression in eukaryotes.

April 7, 2021

Calculating “Run and Tumble” Behavior of Bacteria in Groundwater

A new study seeks to improve reactive transport models by more accurately factoring in how bacteria move in groundwater.

March 25, 2021

New Data Libraries Open a New Chapter in Designing Compounds that Mimic Antibodies

Synthetic materials can be engineered to recognize potential pathogens.