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The National Renewable Energy Laboratory has recently upgraded their Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Projection (EVI-Pro) Lite tool to inform industry stakeholders about the electricity needed to charge plug-in vehicles. Within the tool, users can customize to their own specifications for:

  • Location (city and state)
  • Number of plug-in vehicles
  • Average daily miles per vehicle
  • Average ambient temperature
  • All-electric vehicle share
  • Vehicle type
  • Share of workplace/home charging
  • Charging levels
  • Charging time of day.

Real-world travel data from consumers are used to model future requirements for residential, workplace, and public charging under different scenarios. The model results for the electric load profile for a fleet of 1,000 plug-in vehicles in Indianapolis, IN, are shown below as an example. EVI-Pro Lite is also useful for estimating the number of electric vehicle chargers needed in an area to sustain a certain number of plug-in vehicles.

Example of EVI-Pro Lite Results

Example of EVI-Pro Lite Results. In the Indianapolis area, supporting a fleet of 1,000 plug-in electric vehicles would result in the following electric load profile. Graph showing weekday and weekend electric load.

Note: EVI-Pro Lite has been developed through a collaboration between the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the California Energy Commission, with additional support from the U.S. Department of Energy's Vehicle Technologies Office. Load profile analysis capabilities in EVI-Pro Lite have been developed through a collaborative effort between the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Schatz Energy Research Center at Humboldt State University.

Source: Alternative Fuels Data Center, Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Projection (EVI-Pro) Lite.

Fact #1161 Dataset

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