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The U.S. Department of Energy is celebrating its 40th birthday in October 2017. During this month, the Transportation Analysis Fact of the Week reached its own milestone, publishing Fact #1000 on October 23, 2017. Researchers from Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory published a report detailing trends and recurring themes and topics published in the Fact of the Week. These facts explore data at different geographic (global/national/regional) and temporal (trends and series or instantaneous snapshots) levels. Facts on vehicle sales, petroleum production and usage, vehicle fuel economy, and traveler behavior have been the most frequently explored themes. Facts on vehicle electrification and advanced combustion technologies have grown in popularity in the last few years, showing their relevance to the Department of Energy mission.

Key Themes in the Transportation Energy Fact of the Week

Bar chart on the left shows the number of facts by the themes they addressed, and two pie charts on the right that reflect the temporal (top) and geographical scope (bottom) of the facts.


David Gohlke and Stacy Davis, Historical Review of the Transportation Analysis Fact of the Week, 1996 – 2017, ORNL/TM-2017/695, October 2017.

Fact #1001 Dataset

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