Line graph: MGH Gray Building, Heating and Cooling.

The Building Technologies Office conducted a healthcare energy end-use monitoring project in partnership with two hospitals. Here are a few highlights from monitoring heating and reheating energy use.

Annual Site Energy Use Intensities

Annual site energy use intensities (EUIs) for the “reheat and heating” category were 108.4 kBtu/ft2-yr. at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Gray Building and 52.0 kBtu/ft2-yr. at the State Univeristy of New York Upstate Medical University (SUNY UMU) East Wing.

Estimated Breakdown of Reheat and Heating Energy Use

At the MGH Gray Building, from December 2011 through March 2012, cooling was minimal, so the “reheat and heating” energy use was assumed to be predominantly heating energy. Similarly, during July and August 2012, this building was unlikely to have required significant heating, so the “reheat and heating” energy was assumed to be predominantly reheat energy.

Interpolating for other months, an estimate of the annual site energy breakdown between reheat and heating would be 13,000 MMBtu/yr. for reheat (10% of building site energy use) and 23,000 MMBtu/yr. for heating (17% of building site energy use).

Read the full report, Healthcare Energy End-Use Monitoring, for more information.