NBL Program Office

Vials of Certified Testing Material

The NBL Program Office is responsible for overseeing the production, certification and sales of special nuclear certified reference materials. It collaborates with U.S. Department of Energy programs, national laboratories, and international partners to meet the nation's needs for reference materials used for calibration of measurement systems, quality assurance, and research and development.

The NBL Program also conducts interlaboratory proficiency testing programs (Safeguards Measurement Evaluation Program) to provide independent validation of facility nuclear material measurement quality/capabilities and to examine ‘real-world’ method performance. Materials, produced as certified reference materials by the NBL Program Office, are distributed to participants as "unknowns." Labs submit results, and the NBL Program Office generates an evaluation report indicating degree of agreement with the certified values. Participation is open year-round. Interested facilities should contact NBLSales@nnsa.doe.gov for a list of materials, prices and with any questions. The NBL Program Office will issue annual reminders of the availability of materials, and a price list will be added to this page in the future. Questions may also be addressed to Richard Essex, NBL Program Office Director, at richard.essex@nnsa.doe.gov.