The NBL Program Office is responsible for overseeing the production, certification and sales of special nuclear certified reference materials. It collaborates with U.S. Department of Energy programs, national laboratories, and international partners to meet the nation's needs for reference materials used for calibration of measurement systems, quality assurance, and research and development.
The NBL Program also conducts interlaboratory proficiency testing programs (Safeguards Measurement Evaluation Program) to provide independent validation of facility nuclear material measurement quality/capabilities and to examine ‘real-world’ method performance. Materials, produced as certified reference materials by the NBL Program Office, are distributed to participants as "unknowns." Labs submit results, and the NBL Program Office generates an evaluation report indicating degree of agreement with the certified values. Participation is open year-round. Interested facilities should contact NBLSales@nnsa.doe.gov for a list of materials, prices and with any questions. The NBL Program Office will issue annual reminders of the availability of materials, and a price list will be added to this page in the future. Questions may also be addressed to Richard Essex, NBL Program Office Director, at richard.essex@nnsa.doe.gov.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 situation in the US, shipment of NBL materials is limited and delayed. If you have an urgent need, please contact us via email.
The NBL Program Office provides Certified Reference Materials for use in nuclear and nuclear-related analytical measurement activities. Availability is consistent with existing U.S. regulations and international agreements regarding possession of such materials. For a listing of materials, prices, ordering information and Certificates of Analysis, please use the sections below.
The NBL PO also maintains a variety of other materials not listed on our pricelist. For more information and special request inquiries, please contact NBL at NBLSales@nnsa.doe.gov or Program Director Richard Essex at richard.essex@nnsa.doe.gov.
NBL Program Office Price List
Prices for certfied reference materials.Download and fill out the order form.Refer to the price list for material ID and description. NBL will not begin processing an order until the complete order form is received. Completed forms may be emailed to NBLSales@nnsa.doe.gov.
Receipt of an order does not imply acceptance of any provisions set forth in the order that are contrary to the policies, practices, or regulations of NBL or the United States Government.
Price list for the NBL Program Office.
Prices for our products are in U.S. dollars and are published on the price list. Prices are subject to change without notice and orders will be invoiced for the prices in effect at the time of shipment or within the terms of our price quote, if supplied. Packaging fees are applied to all orders, and will be added to the invoice. Please refer to ordering information for details on ordering and to download our order form. Contact NBLSales@nnsa.doe.gov with questions regarding pricing or for special requests for materials or material form/sizes not listed here
NBL Program Office Order Form
How to order certified reference materials.Dangerous Goods (hazardous materials)
Many materials we ship are classified as Dangerous Goods by the U.S. Department of Transportation, the International Civil Aviation Organization, or the International Air Transport Association. These organizations have published regulations and procedures for packaging and shipping dangerous (hazardous) goods to safely transport these materials. Such regulations and procedures are very specific and do not allow exceptions. NBL reserves the right to select the proper packaging and shipping mode to ensure shipments comply with these regulations and procedures.
Except for shipments made in error, NBL certified research materials are not returnable. Requests to return the materials must be made within 30 days of receipt and in writing to NBL. Immediately contact NBLSales@nnsa.doe.gov if there are any issues with a shipment.
NBL Program Office Payment Instructions
Paying for certified reference materials.Contracts and signed statements
Our Terms and Conditions can be found under Ordering Information and on our order form. As an agency of the United States Government, Department of Energy, NBL attests solely to the provisions provided in these Terms and Conditions. Receipt of orders by NBL does not imply acceptance of any provisions set forth in the order that are contrary to the policy, practice, or regulations of the Department of Energy or the U.S. Government. In general, NBL will not sign any affidavits, acknowledgement forms, or other documents for procurement of goods and services.
Shipping and fees
NBL includes the cost of shipping containers and a packaging fee for each container in an order. Materials will be shipped in compliance with U.S. and international shipping and transportation regulations. For international orders the purchaser will be provided with a quote for transportation, and invoiced in the full amount of the actual transport costs. Domestic orders typically ship via FedEx. Customers are responsible for any customs dues, import fees or fees associated with export licenses.
Payment and invoicing
Payment instructions for the NBL Program Office.
NBL is a Federal agency and must follow the payment process directed by the U.S. Department of Treasury. NBL may require pre-payment by new customers or for certain international shipments. NBL will submit invoices to the email or physical address entered on our order form.
Payments, payable to the U.S. Department of Energy, may be made by credit card, debit card, electronic check, check, international money order, ACH, or wire payments. Include the invoice number on payment.. Any charges for wire payment or exchange differential will be absorbed by the Purchaser. Billing information questions should be addressed to NBLSales@nnsa.doe.gov
Some Certificates of Analysis are temporarily unavailable. Contact us at NBLSales@nnsa.doe.gov and we will send them.
Description (nominal values)
Uranium/Thorium Ores
Uranium Spikes, Metals, Oxides and Others
Uranium (Metal) Assay and Isotopic Standard, 0.7% U-235, 26g
Uranium (Metal) Assay and Isotopic Standard, 0.2% U-235, 75g*
Uranium (UO2) Assay Isotopic and Radiochronometric Standard, 4.0% U-235
Uranium Gamma Spectrometry Set (20%, 53%, 93%)
U-series Isotopic Standards
Plutonium CRMs
The NBL Program Office occasionally publishes NBL PO News. The latest editions are below:
The Program Office publishes reports regarding the production and certification of its reference materials, Safeguards Measurement Evaluation reports, and various historical reports and documents related to measurement and method development activities. Any questions regarding these publications should be directed to NBLSales@nnsa.doe.gov.
Certificates of Analysis Temporarily Unavailable. Contact us at NBLSales@nnsa.doe.gov and we will send them.
Description (nominal values)
Carnotite Ore (0.18% U3O8)
Carnotite Ore (0.11% U3O8)
Monazite Sand-Silica Mixture (1% Th)
Monazite Sand-Silica Mixture (0.1% Th)
Monazite Sand-Silica Mixture (0.05% Th)
Monazite Sand-Silica Mixture (0.01% Th)
Monazite Sand-Silica Mixture (0.001% Th)
Phosphate Rock Ore (0.015% U)
Pitchblende-Dunite Mixture (0.5, 1, 2 and 4% g U/g)
Pitchblende Ore-Silica Mixture (1% U)
Pitchblende Ore-Silica Mixture (0.1% U)
Pitchblende Ore-Silica Mixture (0.05% U)
Pitchblende Ore-Silica Mixture (0.01% U)
Pitchblende Ore-Silica Mixture (0.001% U)
Plutonium Metal Standard (0.99960 g Pu/g; 94% Pu-239)
Plutonium 239:242 Isotopic, Nitrate Solution (0.99937 Pu-239/Pu-242)
Plutonium-242 Spike, Nitrate Solution (99.95% Pu-242)
Plutonium-244 Spike, Nitrate Solution (97.9% Pu-244)
Plutonium Oxide PuO2 (87.79% Pu; 87% Pu-239)
Plutonium Isotopic, 12% Pu-240
Plutonium Isotopic, 18% Pu-240
Plutonium Isotopic, 8% Pu-240
Thorium Oxide ThO2 22 Element Impurity
Uranium Hexafluoride (4.5% U-235)
Uranium (Normal) Metal (0.99975 g U/g)
Uranium (Depleted) Metal (0.99977 g U/g)
C116A Uranium (Enriched) Metal, 93% C123
Uranium (Normal) Oxide U3O8 18 Element Impurity
Uranium (Normal) Oxide U3O8 24 Element Impurity
Uranium Oxide U3O8 (0.847 gU/g; 0.721% U-235)
Uranium Gamma Spectrometry Set (20%, 53%, 93%
U3O8 Standard Set For Neutron Counting (93% U-235; 0.5 - 4 kg U) (93% U-235; 0.5 - 4 kg U)
Uranium (Depleted) Isotopic-U3O8, 0.02%
Uranium (Depleted)-U3O8, 0.5%
Uranium (Enriched) Isotopic-U3O8, 1%
Uranium (Enriched) Isotopic-U3O8, 1.5%
Uranium (Enriched) Isotopic-U3O8, 2%
Uranium (Enriched) Isotopic-U3O8, 3%
Uranium (Enriched) Isotopic-U3O8, 10%
Uranium (Enriched) Isotopic-U3O8, 15%
Uranium (Enriched) Isotopic-U3O8, 20%
Uranium (Enriched) Isotopic-U3O8, 35%
Uranium (Enriched) Isotopic-U3O8, 50%
Uranium (Enriched) Isotopic-U3O8, 63%
Uranium (Enriched) Isotopic-U3O8, 75%
Uranium (Enriched) Isotopic-U3O8, 80%
Uranium (Enriched) Isotopic-U3O8, 85%
Uranium (Enriched) Isotopic-U3O8, 90%
Uranium (Enriched) Isotopic-U3O8, 97%
Uranium (Enriched) Oxide UO2 (88% U; 4% U-235)
Uranium-235 Spike, Nitrate Solution (99.8% U-235)
Uranium (Normal) Assay, Nitrate Solution (10 mg U/g)
High-Purity Uranium Assay Solution (10 mg U/g)
Uranium (Enriched) Isotopic Solution, 4.5%
Uranium (Enriched) Isotopic Solution, 93%
Uranium-233 Spike, Nitrate Solution (99.92% U-233)
Uranium-233 Spike, Nitrate Solution (99.49% U-233)