August 26, 2021

CX-024386: Construct New Sioux Falls Maintenance Building

Construct a new maintenance building and septic drainage field on existing WAPA-owned land and adjacent to the existing Sioux Falls Substation.…

April 21, 2021

CX-023560: BHSU Student Union Solar Array SEP2111

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is proposing to provide funding to the South Dakota Energy Management Office to provide a grant to the Black Hi…

August 24, 2020

CX-022213: Development of Thermal Breakout Technology for Determining In Situ Stress, Task 4.2 Modification

Administrative and project management activities. Computer modeling, analysis, engineering, and design. Laboratory testing. Prototype heater tool c…

February 10, 2020

CX-101715: Development of a Directional Cooling Induced Fracturing (DCIF) Technology for Near-Wellbore Stress Estimation in Geothermal Reservoirs

Award Number: DE-EE0009033, CX(s) Applied: A9, B3.6, Geothermal Technologies Office, Location(s): SD, Office(s): Golden Field Office

November 22, 2019

CX-101622: Sicangu Village Solar Project

Award Number: DE-IE0000107, CX(s) Applied: A9, B5.16, Office of Indian Energy, Location(s): SD, Office(s): Golden Field Office

November 7, 2019

CX-020921: Housing Lease in Deadwood, South Dakota

The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) proposes to lease housing in Deadwood, South Dakota. The housing would be used to lodge scientists…

September 5, 2019

CX-101569: Solar Energy Development on FSST Reservation

Award Number: DE-IE0000118, CX(s) Applied: A9, B5.16, Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs, Location(s): SD, Office(s): Golden Field Office

July 30, 2019

CX-020330: Operation and Maintenance of the Sanford Underground Research Facility

The Department of Energy intends to fund operation and maintenance actions at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF). Actions would be bo…

July 3, 2019

CX-020318: Install and Maintain Aerial Survey Monuments and Perform Aerial Surveys at the Edgemont, South Dakota, Disposal Site

DOE LM is proposing to install aerial survey monuments for future aerial survey activities at the Edgemont disposal site. Monuments would be constr…

March 26, 2019

CX-101411: Sicangu Village Solar Project

Award Number: DE-IE0000107 CX(s) Applied: A9 Office of Indian Energy Location(s): SD Office(s): Golden Field Office