The Environmental Reviews, Permitting, and Resource Adequacy Division works to ensure resource adequacy, expand and enhance electricity markets, and implement DOE’s permitting authorities. 

Blue line drawing of the nuclear energy symbol

Supporting Critical Generation

Under this Division, the Civil Nuclear Credit program works to prevent premature retirement of existing zero-carbon nuclear plants. The program is available for plants that would otherwise retire and are certified as safe to continue operations and prioritizes plants that use domestically produced fuel. The program evaluates nuclear reactors projected to cease operations due to economic factors and selects certified nuclear reactors to receive credits to cover operating losses.

Icon representing Grid Deployment Office's hydroelectric incentives program

The Hydroelectric Incentives seek to invest more than $750 million in existing hydroelectric facilities to improve power production, facility efficiency, and dam safety, as well as maintain and enhance facilities across the country. 

Wholesale Electricity Analysis and Technical Assistance

GDO conducts resilience modeling, evaluates markets, assesses energy infrastructure risk, and supports educational and regional planning efforts. The Wholesale Electricity Market Studies and Engagement Program provides states and regions with technical and financial assistance related to developing, expanding, and improving wholesale electricity markets. This engagement will ensure these stakeholders are able to provide critical insight into market design, expansion, and improvement activities. 

Federal Transmission Permitting

This GDO Division manages DOE authorities related to federal permits required for electric transmission. This includes developing, analyzing, and disseminating tools, resources, and best practices for improving the chances of success of, and reducing the time required to process, applications for the siting and permitting of needed infrastructure. It also includes assisting and coordinating with other federal agencies to facilitate timely action on federal permits required for electric transmission projects.  

GDO administers the Coordinated Interagency Transmission Authorizations and Permits (CITAP) program; manages presidential permitting of cross-border electric transmission facilities; and evaluates authorizations to export electricity from the United States. 

Environmental Assessment and Monitoring 

This Division also provides National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review support and develops and analyzes tools, resources, and best practices to ensure environmental justice and equity and address the impacts of transmission projects on local communities.