
Selection Date

  • N/A

RFP Objective

The Ocean Energy Safety Institute’s OESI 2.0 goal is to collaborate with academia, industry, and other nongovernmental organizations to drive safety performance, energy production on the Outer Continental Shelf, and innovative inspection, detection, and environmental monitoring technologies, resulting in a safer workplace, improved environmental stewardship performance, and greater energy security. The purpose of funding this initiative is to establish an institute that would operate independently of the Department of the Interior and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) while also supporting and enhancing both departmental programs through collaborative research and development to help identify operational improvements in the areas of offshore energy development and monitoring.


Technical areas of interest for marine and hydrokinetic energy (MHK) include:

  • Research, development, and deployment of MHK-powered environmental monitoring devices, such as MHK recharging stations for autonomous underwater vehicles and/or aerial drones
  • Certification of monitoring devices powered by MHK
  • Gathering of lessons learned for safe and environmentally sustainable offshore operations for future MHK installations.

EERE Selections

  • To be determined.

Funding Awardee

  • To be determined.