H2@Scale is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiative that brings together stakeholders to advance affordable hydrogen production, transport, storage, and utilization to enable decarbonization and revenue opportunities across multiple sectors.
Ten million metric tons of hydrogen are currently produced in the United States every year. While most of this hydrogen is produced via centralized reforming of natural gas, deployments of clean alternatives, such as electrolysis, are rapidly increasing. Other emerging approaches include thermochemical water splitting, use of photoelectrochemical cells, and biological pathways. The primary uses of hydrogen in the United States today are in the oil refining and ammonia industries. Other emerging applications include the industrial sector (e.g., metals refining), liquid fuels (e.g., biofuels, synfuels), heat generation, energy storage, and transportation.

If you are not familiar with the H2@Scale concept, please see presentations and proceedings from our recent workshops, available below, or view our H2@Scale handouts:
H2@Scale Announcements
DOE Announces Nearly $8 Million for National Laboratory H2@Scale Projects to Help Reach Hydrogen Shot Goals
On Oct. 6, DOE announced nearly $8 million for nine cooperative projects that will complement existing H2@Scale efforts and support DOE’s Hydrogen Shot goal to drive down the cost of clean hydrogen by 80% within the decade. The selected projects, or cooperative research and development agreements (CRADAs), will leverage the Advanced Research on Integrated Energy Systems (ARIES) platform to enable the integration of hydrogen technologies in future energy systems, including energy storage and a specific focus on safety and risk mitigation. View the 2021 CRADA selection announcement.
H2@Scale Technical Reports
Assessment of Potential Future Demands for Hydrogen in the United States (Argonne National Laboratory, October 2020)
The Technical and Economic Potential of the H2@Scale Concept within the United States (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, October 2020)
Resource Assessment for Hydrogen Production (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, July 2020)
H2@Scale Workshops and Events
Ammonia for H2@Scale Virtual Panels, May 2021
H2@Airports Workshop, November 2020
H2@Scale Workshop: 2019 Fuel Cell Seminar, November 2019
H2@Ports Workshop, September 2019
H2@RailSM Workshop, March 2019
View additional H2@Scale workshops.
H2@Scale Past Funding Opportunities and Requests for Information
Request for Information on Hydrogen Demonstrations in Support of DOE's Hydrogen Energy Earthshot
In support of the Hydrogen Energy Earthshot launched on June 7, 2021, DOE's Hydrogen Program issued a Request for Information (RFI) on viable hydrogen demonstrations, including specific locations, that can help lower the cost of hydrogen, reduce carbon emissions and local air pollution, create good-paying jobs, and provide benefits to disadvantaged communities. View the RFI on EERE Exchange. DOE presented an overview of RFI themes during the Deployment and Financing Panel Session at the Hydrogen Shot Summit, Aug. 31, 2021.
2021 H2@Scale CRADA Call Supporting ARIES
On June 7, 2021, DOE announced a request for proposals for research, development, and demonstration activities leveraging the Advanced Research on Integrated Energy Systems (ARIES) platform and supporting DOE's H2@Scale vision for clean and affordable hydrogen. This solicitation closed on July 19, 2021.
DOE Announced Approximately $64M in Funding for 18 Projects to Advance H2@Scale
On July 20, 2020, DOE announced approximately $64 million in Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 funding for 18 projects that will support the H2@Scale vision for affordable hydrogen production, storage, distribution, and use. These projects will fuel the next round of research, development, and demonstration activities under H2@Scale's multi-year initiative to fully realize hydrogen's benefits across the economy. View the FY 2020 selection announcement.
H2@Scale 2020 CRADA Call
On July 1, 2020, DOE announced a request for proposals for qualified partners to participate in cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) projects with DOE's national laboratories in support of H2@Scale. This solicitation closed on Aug. 14, 2020.
DOE Announced $40 Million in Funding To Advance H2@Scale
On Aug. 15, 2019, DOE announced approximately $40 million in FY 2019 funding for 29 projects to advance the H2@Scale concept. The selected projects will advance hydrogen storage and infrastructure technologies and identify innovative concepts for hydrogen production and utilization including grid resiliency. View the FY 2019 selection announcement.
H2@Scale 2018 Request for Information
DOE issued a Request for Information (RFI) in 2018 soliciting stakeholder feedback on opportunities to enable high volume production and multi-sector use of hydrogen. The objective of this RFI was to assess the domestic resources compatible with large-scale hydrogen production, as well as to identify pathways to effectively leverage these resources for near- and long-term use in major industries. View the past RFI.
H2@Scale National Lab Capabilities
The capabilities of DOE's National Laboratories are a key piece in enabling the H2@Scale vision. We are hopeful that the DOE, national labs, and industry will continue to work together on the research and development (R&D) needed to advance H2@Scale. View the presentations on national laboratory capabilities that were presented at the Annual Merit Review H2@Scale Review Session on June 9, 2017.