To help ensure consistent U.S. Department of Energy AlgaePrize messaging, teams and stakeholders are encouraged to use language from the following documents in their outreach, or to use as a guide when creating their own language.

AlgaePrize Elevator Pitches

These summaries can be used in media announcements and other publicity efforts for the duration of the AlgaePrize.

50-Word Description

Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Bioenergy Technologies Office and part of DOE’s American-Made program, AlgaePrize 2023–2025 challenges students to expand novel solutions to algae production, processing, and new product development to help lower the costs of producing algal biofuels and bioproducts, on the way to gigaton-scale algae commercialization.

150-Word Description

AlgaePrize 2023–2025, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Bioenergy Technologies Office and supported by the Algae Foundation and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, challenges students to be the next generation of bioeconomy professionals in developing novel solutions supporting gigaton-scale algae commercialization. Products made from algae are a natural solution to the energy, food, economic, and climate challenges facing our world today. Algae have the power to put fuels in our vehicles, recycle carbon dioxide, provide nutritious food, and create jobs.

The AlgaePrize, part of DOE’s American-Made program, promotes the research and development of new ideas and technologies within the commercial algae value chain. The competition fosters workforce development and training, promotes job creation in rural and urban areas, supports diversity and inclusion throughout the student and judging teams, and showcases the resource potential of algal biomass in the Unites States to be capable of producing billions of gallons per year of economical, renewable diesel and jet fuels.

400-Word Description

AlgaePrize 2023–2025 is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Bioenergy Technologies Office and supported by the Algae Foundation and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Part of DOE’s American-Made program, the competition challenges students to become the next generation of bioeconomy professionals by expanding novel solutions to production, processing, and new product development on the way to gigaton-scale algae commercialization.

Products made from algae are a natural solution to the energy, food, economic, and climate challenges facing our world today. Algae have the power to put fuels in our vehicles, recycle carbon dioxide, provide nutritious food, and create jobs.

The AlgaePrize spans two academic years. Student teams competing in the AlgaePrize range from high school through graduate programs. Competitors will ultimately support the nation’s biofuel research, algal commercial enhancement, and promote industry-driven education, training, and workforce development. The AlgaePrize will assist in establishing the competitors as serious candidates for the next generation of bioeconomy positions and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Student competitors will:

  • Gain experience with innovative algal commercialization technologies
  • Develop real-world solutions that shape the global future of algae by producing biofuels, biofoods, biofeeds, and industrial compounds (e.g., biopolymers)
  • Develop collaborative and leadership skills by working on multidisciplinary student teams
  • Engage and network with industry professionals, national lab researchers, and academics to forge relationships and connections that aid students’ transition to the algal-based bioeconomy employment or entrepreneurial endeavors upon graduation
  • Compete to earn prize money and national recognition.

The three areas of interest for the AlgaePrize include both microalgae and macroalgae. Student teams should focus their project on one of the following areas of interest:

  • Production
  • Downstream Processing
  • Novel Products, Analytical Tools, or Ecosystem Services.

Student teams will prepare creative solutions for real-world issues in the algae value chain. Selected finalist teams will complete a research project and attend the AlgaePrize Competition Event where teams:

  • Present their research to a panel of judges.
  • Compare their projects to those of other teams.
  • Tour the National Renewable Energy Laboratory facilities.
  • Engage with a variety of organizations about careers related to algae technology, cultivation, and market development.

In addition to researching and developing new ideas and technologies, the AlgaePrize will support diversity and inclusion throughout the student teams and judging panels, and showcase the resource potential of algal biomass in the United States to produce billions of gallons of economical, renewable diesel and jet fuels.

The final five champion teams will be offered an opportunity to share their technology advancement as part of a national algae conference, such as the Algae Biomass Summit in the fall of 2025.

AlgaePrize Messaging Guidelines

Please use these key messages about the AlgaePrize when developing your outreach materials.

  • The AlgaePrize challenges student teams to develop novel solutions to algae production, processing, and new product development, that will help lower the costs of producing algal biofuels and bioproducts.
  • The AlgaePrize competition’s goal is to incentivize the development, design, invention, or enhancement of a specific technology, cultivation, processing, or new product development within the commercial algae value chain.
  • Student teams will shape the global future of converting algae to biofuels (e.g., sustainable marine and aviation fuels), vitamin- and protein-rich foods and feeds, ecological services, and industrial compounds (e.g., biopolymers).
  • The competition provides the opportunity for students to engage and network with industry professionals, national lab researchers, and academics to forge relationships and connections that aid students’ transition to algal-based bioeconomy employment or entrepreneurial endeavors upon graduation.
  • The AlgaePrize allows teams to compete for a total of $215,000 in prize money and national recognition.
  • Products made from algae are a natural solution to the energy, food, economic, and climate challenges facing our world today. Algae have the power to simultaneously put fuels in our vehicles, recyclecarbon dioxide, provide nutrition for animals and humans, and create jobs for millions of Americans.
  • In addition to generating new ideas for the development, design, and invention of technologies within the commercial algae value chain, the AlgaePrize will foster workforce development and training, promote job creation in rural and urban areas, support diversity and inclusion throughout the student and judging teams, and showcase the resource potential of algal biomass in the United States to be capable of producing billions of gallons per year of low-cost, renewable diesel and jet fuels.

AlgaePrize Fact Sheet

This fact sheet provides an overview of the AlgaePrize competition.

AlgaePrize Competition Fact Sheet

Learn More

To view the full competition details, visit the AlgaePrize Competition HeroX website.

For questions about the AlgaePrize, email