On September 30 and October 1, 2014, the Department of Energy hosted a 2-day workshop on “Estimating the Benefits and Costs of Distributed Energy Technologies.” The purpose of the workshop was to foster discussion about the analytic challenges associated with valuing the diverse impacts of deploying distributed energy technologies. Many valuation studies have been published in recent years, using different methods and assumptions. This workshop was intended as an early step toward the development of widely-accepted concepts and methods for conducting such valuation studies.

Presentations from Day 1 are below. Presentations from Day 2 as well as the agenda and summary are also available.

Day 1: September 30, 2014
  • Framing the Issues
    • Michael Champley, Hawaii Public Utilities Commission
    • Karen Forsten, Electric Power and Research Institute (EPRI)
    • Steven Fine, ICF International
  • Avoided Energy: Ryan Wiser, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL)
  • Avoided Generation Capacity: Robert Margolis, National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL)
  • Avoided Transmission & Distribution: Steven Fine, ICF International
  • Social Costs & Benefits: Anne Hoskins, Maryland Public Service Commission