December 21, 2020

CX-022892: Hesperus-Waterflow 345-kV Transmission Line Structure Footer Maintenance

Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), Rocky Mountain Region (RMR), proposes to conduct routine maintenance to one structure on its Hesperus-Wat…

September 8, 2020

CX-270544: Categorical Exclusion for the New Mexico State Road 4 (NM 4) and East Jemez Road Intersection Improvements, Right-of-Way Expansion, and Land Conveyance

NNSA Los Alamos Field Office issued a CX determination to modify and upgrade the NM 4 and East Jemez Road Intersection at LANL.

September 3, 2020

CX-270543: Categorical Exclusion for the Primary Circuit Electrical Power Line Extension from TA-36 to TA-68

The Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Los Alamos Field Office (NA-LA) proposes to construct and operate an

September 1, 2020

CX-270542: Categorical Exclusion for the Decommissioning and Demolition Project at Technical Area-41, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos County, New Mexico

The NNSA is proposing the D and D of structures 41-004 and 41-007, formerly a waste water treatment facility at LANL TA-41...

August 17, 2020

CX-022239: Preliminary Real Estate Plan for KCNSC New Mexico Operations’ Craddock D Facility

Preliminary Real Estate Plan for KCNSC New Mexico Operations’ Craddock D Facility …

August 10, 2020

CX-022592: Development and Demonstration of Scalable Fluoride Salt Pump Bearings and Seals for FHRs

The University of New Mexico proposes to develop and demonstrate scalable advanced bearings and seals of fluoride salt pumps for Fluoride-salt-cool…

August 5, 2020

CX-270534: Hazardous Waste Permit Modification to Create a Treatment and Storage Facility

NNSA proposes to use LANL, TA-60, Bldg 17, as a treatment and storage facility.

July 20, 2020

CX-022365: Establishment of Remote High Temperature Mechanical Testing Facility in a Hot Cell at the University of New Mexico-University of New Mexico

The University of New Mexico proposes to acquire a high-temperature tension test system designed for remote handling in the hot cell. …

June 26, 2020

CX-270530: Leasing Property

DOE, NNSA, proposes to lease property to provide office and warehouse space within a 50 mile radius of LANL, which could include property located i...

June 3, 2020

CX-021836: Shiprock Substation Breaker Replacements

WAPA, Rocky Mountain Region, proposes to replace four existing 345-kV breakers, numbers 1292, 1196, 2092, and 2196, with four new 345-kV breakers a…