December 14, 2022

CX-025729: Sustainable Energy Resources for Consumers Grants 2022

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) is authorized per Title IV of the Energy Independence and Security Ac…

September 20, 2022

CX-026713: Circe Bioscience, Inc.-CIRCE: Circularizing Industries by Raising Carbon Efficiency

Funding will support the project's small-scale, research and development of new technologies to decarbonize biorefining processes by producing carb…

September 15, 2022

CX-026706: Osmoses, Inc.-Efficient Recovery of Dilute Helium Gas Using Molecular Sieve Membranes

Funding will support the small-scale research and development of a novel family of ultra-permeable and ultra-selective polymer membranes that can e…

September 12, 2022

CX-026854: XCT System for Harvesting In-Current Hydrokinetic Energy from Low-Velocity Sites

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is proposing to provide funding to Littoral Power Systems, Inc. (LPS) to design, fabricate, and test a turbine …

September 9, 2022

CX-026852: Mass Customization of Prefabricated Panel Blocks for Deep Wall Insulation Retrofits

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is proposing to provide federal funding to Fraunhofer, USA, Inc. (Fraunhofer) for the development and deploymen…

August 29, 2022

CX-026571: Zephyr Innovations-Air Conditioning via Liquid Desiccant Dehumidification

Funding will support the small-scale research and development of a new type of vapor-compression (VC) air conditioner that, unlike conventional air…

August 16, 2022

CX-026536: Gencores, Inc.-Digital and Cost-Efficient Production of Hybrid Polymethacrylimide Foam Cores for Radical Lightweighting of Light-duty Vehicles

Funding will support the small-scale research and development of scalable and digital production of low-cost and high-performance hybrid Polymethac…

August 3, 2022

CX-026457: Scaled Reduced Mode Sapphire Fiber Production Towards High Temperature Radiation Resilient Sensors

The project will irradiate at MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory (MIT-NRL) in the Silicon Programs through ports for Neutron Transmutation Doping (NTD)…

July 14, 2022

CX-026353: Sublime Systems-Electrochemical Upcycling for Low-CO2 Materials Production

Funding will support the project teams small-scale research and development of a platform technology that uses electrochemistry to upcycle waste pr…

July 1, 2022

CX-026400: Surveying commercial fish species and habitat in wind farm areas using a suite of non-lethal survey methods

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is proposing to provide funding to the Coonamessett Farm Foundation, Inc. (CFF) to evaluate the impacts of offs…