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It’s always obvious to us which DOE Zero Energy Ready Home builders have really strong marketing. Their social media attracts enormous attention. Their websites are compelling. Their Tour of Zero homes get the most hits. But high-impact, low-cost ZERH marketing can easily be a reality for ALL of our partners! In this webinar you’ll hear from Sam Bowles, communications director for the DOE ZERH program, as well as about the extensive ZERH marketing resources and the best ways to use them.

Also, in this webinar you will hear from Chrissi Antonopoulos (PNNL) on how to use the Building America Solutions Center. The Building America Solution Center (BASC) hosts many free, customizable marketing materials for builders. This webinar will focus on customizing BASC content in Field Kits, and creating point-of-sale documents using the Building Science-to-Sales Translator.

Sam Bowles
Chrissi Antonopolous

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