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SEP 2017 Program Update Webinar
Video courtesy of the Department of Energy


The Superior Energy Performance® (SEP™) certification program has been updated to the 2017 version, and revised SEP program documents are now available. The 2017 update (SEP 2017) streamlines and simplifies SEP program documents and requirements based on input from stakeholders using the program. This webinar describes the SEP 2017 program updates in more detail. Download the presentation slides.

Text Version

>> Pamela de los Reyes

Hello everyone. Welcome to this webinar hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Manufacturing Office. Our presenters today include Paul Scheihing of the Department of Energy and Bill Meffert of the Georgia Institute of Technology, and I’m Pamela de los Reyes of Energetics Incorporated facilitating today.

The purpose of today’s webinar is to provide an overview of the updated requirements and documents pertaining to the SEP, Superior Energy Performance, certification program. SEP is one of DOE’s offerings to promote the use and benefits of the international ISO 50001 energy management standard. DOE is very excited some recent updates to the SEP program, and these updates offer some improvements that address feedback that have come in from facilities and organizations that have participated in SEP.

Before I turn it over to our first presenter, just a little bit of housekeeping. We are recording today’s webinar. The slides, recording, and transcript will be posted on the SEP website so that you can refer to this later or share the materials with your colleagues. We will also alert you when these materials are available by sending an email to those who registered for the webinar. Participants are in listen-only mode for now, but we will have a Question and Answer session after the presentation. We will try to unmute those who wish to ask questions. You have the choice of submitting questions through the chat or raising your hand, and we will also try to unmute those who have entered their audio PIN. I will turn it over to our first presenter, Paul Scheihing of DOE.

>> Paul Scheihing

[Slide 2]

Thank you. Good afternoon everyone. Many of you might be familiar with SEP, but if you are not, SEP is basically ISO 50001 with additional verification of energy performance improvement over time. It’s a voluntary program. It’s also an ANAB-accredited program. It is composed of two basic standards: ISO 50001, which is an international standard, as well as the ANSI/MSE 50021.

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Verified results is what SEP is all about. On top of using the structured and robust ISO 50001 energy management system, the companies that have been certified to SEP have saved up to $1 million per year and significant savings from operational improvements with no capital investment. We find that three-quarters of the savings in fact, on average, are from no-cost/low-cost operational improvements. Of course, we’re reducing carbon emissions and getting that third-party verified energy performance improvement. We find that the savings are substantially above business-as-usual. The slide says “double” but recent results have shown 4-5 times business-as-usual.

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Here’s one example of the Nissan Smyrna plant, where they’ve gone through two SEP certification cycles over six years. As you can see, the whole process works. A continual improvement has been verified over two cycles—24% overall reduction at this plant, which is a very large plant and the savings are in the millions.

[Slide 5]

Another slide demonstrates two companies that have had success with both ISO 50001 and SEP. Schneider Electric and 3M. The solid blue line shows the sites that have done ISO 50001 or SEP at their facilities and have seen a 19% improvement over four years. And the sites that have not done ISO 50001—but have an energy management program—show about 60% less savings. We see the same approximate ratio with 3M plants: over 3 years with 10.5% with the ISO sites and 6.5% with the non-ISO sites. Very encouraging that the management system is doing what it’s supposed to do.

[Slide 6]

Here are the results of the SEP-certified plants. Three companies have many sites certified: Schneider, 3M, and Hilton. This is what distinguishes SEP from ISO 50001. It has an ISO 50001-certified site, plus there’s a verified number that goes along with the site.

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These are additional companies that have achieved SEP.

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Another very exciting activity is the completion of our SEP Enterprise-wide pilot. We’ve completed that with four companies: 3M, Nissan, Cummins, and Schneider Electric—with 31 sites. On average, these 31 sites improved 5% per year. Very large number considering the U.S. average is around 1% per year. Cost-savings-wise, $600,000 per year, per site. They all showed a cost reduction of implementing across the enterprise, which has a central office for ISO 50001. You get a lot of economies of scale and efficiencies of distributing the workload, in conjunction with the central office, and the sites that are part of the enterprise. Best practices are more easily disseminated, and the facility staff is able to reduce their time because the central office takes on some of their load. There are case studies that you can go to on the website listed here. We just put them on our website last week.

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We are expanding SEP, in particular into the commercial sector. We have Hilton and Marriott that have a number of hotels that have been certified. We also have a water/wastewater pilot with seven companies and municipalities around the United States. We’re also looking at three federal government sites that are considering SEP. Two out of three of these sites are already ISO 50001; LBNL is almost there with ISO 50001. So we are going beyond the industrial sector.

[Slide 10]

We value end-user feedback. This enables us to refine the program, look for ways to expand SEP—both within a sector and in other sectors. We want to understand how the program is impacting their facilities and their organizations. Therefore in the last couple years we have gone through revisions on the SEP program through end user feedback and their experience because we want to position the program for the future—to grow it. Therefore, we are pleased to offer SEP 2017 in response to the feedback and I’m going to hand it over to Bill Meffert, who’s going to describe what the 2017 program is all about.

>> Bill Meffert

[Slide 11]

Great, thanks Paul.

[Slide 12]

This slide shows some of the key features and differences between the 2012 program and the 2017 program. Both, of course, keep the requirement of ISO 50001 certification, plus the energy performance improvement that’s required by those versions of the program. The old program has two pathways, whereas the new program has one single, unified scoring system. The Mature Energy Pathway in the old 2012 program has now been merged into one single pathway. In the past, there were three performance levels, and now we’ve introduced four performance levels—a new Bronze level has been added to the program. We’ll talk a little more about that later. Also, flexibility has been added to the new program in setting the baseline, which helps to align multiple sites that are part of an enterprise—to align their baselines for certification reasons and I’ll talk a little more about that later. The recertification requirements have been changed as well. That has really helped to sustain companies’ participation in the program over time and continually improve their performance.

[Slide 13]

Some of the benefit of the changes to the program is the single, unified scoring system. It combines the best of both pathways that were in the old program. The new pathway has both the energy performance improvement requirements as well as the Scorecard (and I’ll talk more about that later).

There’s real flexibility in the new 2017 program about setting the baseline. Companies, now, when they initially get certified, can have an achievement period that’s anywhere from one year to ten years. With that kind of flexibility, you can see that a corporation can actually can help align the certification period for multiple facilities.

By bringing in the Scorecard to the one, unified scoring system, it really emphasizes the fact that companies that want to achieve at the higher levels of Gold and Platinum will use the Scorecard which will help to enhance their energy management system and really go above and beyond ISO 50001.

As I mentioned, the recertification requirements have changed, and I’ll talk a little more about that on the next slide.

[Slide 14]

Here is the table that shows the certification requirements for initial certification, and these are the energy performance requirements for SEP. If you look on the left side of the table, the achievement period can be anywhere from 12 months to 120 months, or 1 year to 10 years. As the achievement period gets longer—as you might expect for initial certification—the performance improvement required gets higher. For 1–3 years, for example, you can see that it’s a 5% performance improvement for Silver, Gold, and Platinum. That’s the minimum threshold. If you go down and look at 6 years, there’s a 10% requirement. Also, if you go out to a 10-year achievement period, there’s a 16% improvement requirement for Silver, Gold, and Platinum.

If you look at the Bronze level, that’s 1% over 3 years, and that three-year achievement period doesn’t change. So companies that wish to participate at Bronze must show 1% over three years.

At the bottom of the table, you’ll see—for Gold and Platinum—what the Scorecard requirements are. For Gold, you can see that a company needs to achieve 40 Scorecard points: 20 of those points need to come from the Energy Management System credits, which are credits that push an organization to improve their energy management system beyond ISO 50001. At the Platinum level, the Scorecard requirement is 60—35 of those points come from Energy Management System credits, and 10 points come from the Advanced Practices and/or the Additional Energy Performance credits. I’ll talk a little more about that later.

You can see a really important box that says, “The SEP 2012 program will continue to be available until June 2019.” For companies that are currently in the 2012 SEP program, they can continue to be recertified until June 2019, but we are encouraging companies to get certified with the new 2017 program.

[Slide 15]

This slide shows that same table, but for recertification. You’ll notice that whatever the achievement period is for recertification, the minimum threshold for energy performance improvement is only 3% over the most recent 3 years. That’s important to understand: the most recent three years. Typical recertification cycles are three years, so during that time, a company in the Silver, Gold, or Platinum levels will need to show at least that 3% improvement. Once again, Bronze is just 1% over 3 years. The Scorecard points remain the same.

[Slide 16]

I want to talk a little bit more about setting the baseline for recertification purposes. As mentioned earlier, there is some flexibility in regard to that, but hopefully the next couple slides will illustrate how that’s changed. In this case, Option 1, when a company goes for recertification, they can use their last reporting period as their new baseline period. In this case, you’ll see a company that had a baseline in the year 2012 for initial certification, and they got certified in 2015. They go for recertification in 2018; their baseline period is now 2015. For recertification under the new program, they have to show a 3% improvement for Silver, Gold, or Platinum over the achievement period of 2016, 2017, and 2018.

[Slide 17]

Or, a company can choose to keep their baseline the same. In this case, the company has kept the baseline period as 2012, and the reporting period now becomes 2018 for recertification. However, what stays the same is—in the most recent three years, that 3% improvement is required for Silver, Gold, and Platinum. (Bronze only requires 1% over the most recent three-year period.)

One thing that’s important to remember: if in initial certification, your models were built in a certain year, when it comes to recertification, you don’t have to build your models around that same year. You could change the period where you build the models for the program. So that’s important to understand that you’re not restricted to using the same model or same data that you did before. That would be pretty stringent and hard to do for most companies.

[Slide 17]

Here are the standards and documents related to the SEP program. In the green, you’ll see there are two standards: ANSI/MSE 50021, which has the SEP energy management system requirements that go beyond ISO 50001; and the other standard, ANSI/MSE 50028, and that lists the requirements for the Verification Bodies.

Then there are three normative references that are shown as well: the SEP Scorecard, the SEP Measurement and Verification (M&V) Protocol, and SEP Certification Protocol. Over the next two slides, we’ll talk about key changes in those documents.

[Slide 18]

For the SEP Certification Protocol, a lot of the scoring system that used to be in the old M&V Protocol has moved to the Certification Protocol. The reason we did that was because we wanted to keep the M&V Protocol as constant as possible. The principles of developing models and doing top-down analysis and bottom-up comparison, we hope really doesn’t change much over time. That scoring system, which could change, got put into the SEP Certification Protocol. In that left column, you can see key changes, and these are things that I’ve talked about already—being that there’s only one pathway now; the Bronze level was added; the Scorecard is used for Gold and Platinum; there’s the 1-10-year initial achievement period with varying performance improvement depending on how long that achievement period is (5% to 16%); and then the 3% in the most recent three years for recertification.

One thing I haven’t talked about yet is that there’s a requirement to use the bottom-up registry. This is a tool that DOE has provided to help companies record the action plans and projects they put in place to achieve the energy savings that are reflected in the top-down models. This new tool is a requirement in the program.

In the middle column, you can see some changes to the M&V Protocol. There’s a section now on Energy Accounting that has been enhanced to include additional discussion around the types of energy that cross the boundary of the organization and that also get generated from natural sources. That’s been enhanced and has a lot of good diagrams. New terminology has been added to talk about primary and delivered energy, which I think clears up some of the confusion from the old terminology. There’s now a bottom-up reconciliation factor, and this is related to the bottom-up comparison that’s required. So please read that section. It basically says that savings from the projects that are implemented need to be at least 80% of the savings that are shown in the top-down analysis. If it’s less than 80%, then the savings get multiplied by, say, 0.75 for example, and then the performance improvement gets reduced based on that. There’s an enhanced table in Annex B on energy multipliers for different kinds of energy types. And all those equations in there, the nomenclature has changed a little bit to hopefully make it easier to understand.

In the right column, the SEP Scorecard is now only used for Gold or Platinum levels. There’s two new Advanced Practice credits, and there’s a total of 25 points now for Advanced Practice. Please take a look at the Scorecard and look at those new credits. There’s now a new credit for submitting a Voluntary Cost and Benefit form to DOE; that really helps DOE when it comes to analyzing the costs and benefits of the SEP program. There have been some other credit reductions related to Energy Management, so the total number of points for Energy Management credits has been reduced from 70 to 68. There have been some major format changes in the Scorecard. If you recall, there used to be a prerequisite that talked about how certain credits relate to ISO 50001. That’s been removed and makes the document more readable and shorter. There was a section in each credit on possible technologies and strategies to meet the requirements of a certain credit, and that’s been removed, too. That certainly was not exhaustive. One of the more popular credits on doing the energy balance now requires that the energy balance cover 90% of the annual energy consumption of the organization. And one of the other credits on energy demand management has been removed.

[Slide 20]

Some of the key changes related to the standards. For ANSI/MSE 50021, that standard now contains all the definitions related to the SEP program so they’re all in one spot now. Some of the other changes… SEP requires that companies keep a list of the equipment, systems, and processes that cover 80% of annual energy consumption. That used to be the majority of energy consumption, but it has now changed to 80%. Any training of the energy team must be recorded as well. The recertification period for SEP is 36 months. An internal audit of the SEP requirements must be conducted at least once during every three-year certification cycle. In your internal audit plans and in your records, you need to show that you’ve covered the SEP requirements. There’s added detail on the inputs for SEP to the management review. And now that enterprise systems are in place, there are some additional descriptions related to the fact that every SEP facility needs a separate scope and boundary statement that participates within an enterprise system.

On the right column, some of the key changes to ANSI/MSE 50028. One of the biggest things is the separation of the ISO 50001 certification audit from the SEP certification audit. They don’t have to be conducted at the same time, nor do they both have to be conducted by a Verification Body. That’s a big change. A company could have ISO 50001 certification first, and then later on decide to get SEP-certified. There has been a 30-day pause added to Stage 2 audits. What that means is that sometimes between Stage 1 and you get to Stage 2 and you realize, “You know what? We don’t have necessarily all the data. Or maybe we may need to improve our model so that we actually can show the Gold level performance that we need to show. Because now we were claiming Silver, but we realized we could’ve gotten Gold.” So you can do a 30-day pause just to get your act together and show even greater improvement, if that’s what you want to do. There’s an audit table for the Performance Verifier that has been clarified, and some additional detail added. If the Verification Body does not certify the ISO 50001 system, then there are some audit day adjustments that take place, and that means additional days that a Verification Body can add to their certification audit for SEP if they did not issue the certificate for ISO 50001. That’s a big deal. The section on confidentiality has been clarified in relation to data and reporting that goes to DOE. And then finally, there’s a 6-month grace period for the reinstatement of management system certificates. For ISO 50001, if the certificate expires, then typically there’s a 6-month grace period where the company can get their act together and get that certification reinstated. However, that does not extend to the SEP program. If a company loses their ISO 50001 certification, they also lose their SEP certification. Once that happens, a company needs to re-submit an application for SEP certification.

[Slide 20]

How to participate. “Can my facility get certified to the SEP 2017 program today?” Yes, as long as your SEP Verification Body has been approved by ANAB to audit to the SEP 2017 program. So you need to check with your Verification Body to make sure that they have applied to ANAB to update their accreditation to SEP 2017.

“My facility plans to get certified soon. Do I have to use SEP 2017?” Well, you don’t have to. The SEP 2012 program will be in place through June 2019, but DOE is really encouraging facilities to take advantage of the improvements under the new SEP 2017 program. So they would like to see all new facilities get certified under SEP 2017.

“My facility is already certified to SEP 2012 and planning for recertification. Do I have to use SEP 2017?” Related to the previous question, you can continue to seek recertification to the 2012 program until June 2019, but DOE encourages facilities to take advantage of the changes in the 2017 program.

[Slide 22]

I’m going to turn it back over to Paul now.

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>> Paul Scheihing

Thanks Bill. So we don’t want to rest on our laurels here with the 2017 changes. We’re seeing the revision in 2018 coming with ISO 50001, and we want to use that opportunity to make some additional changes to SEP to make the SEP program aligned with the changes in ISO 50001 and also to capture any additional improvements that we can make beyond the 2017 program and also to continue to make SEP as user-friendly to expand its applicability in all sectors. We are just starting to get experience with some of these non-industrial sectors and I’m sure we’ll find some additional changes we’d like to make based on user feedback.

We are preparing to form a program review group to change the 2017 program to the 2018 program. We’ll be getting feedback from this consensus group. We’ll be sending out invitations shortly to populate this group.

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I’d like to use this opportunity to talk about some recent changes we’ve made to further promote ISO 50001 and its objectives. As you are all aware, our environment is voluntary implementation program. We don’t have any regulatory requirements like other countries or regions of the world have. Yet, DOE has put a lot of resources into developing ISO 50001 in industry. It is a good standard and it is demonstrated to have a lot of value to companies. DOE’s role is to develop the technical resources to enable the market to adopt this best practice. We are helping companies to prepare for gradual adoption of the standard without getting full certification. We’d like to establish ISO 50001 as a cost-effective, brand-impacting pathway for a sustained, cost-effective, energy efficiency improvement. Energy efficiency is a key part of sustainability, and companies are more and more taking sustainability and sustainability practices more seriously. It affects their brand, and we think ISO 50001 can contribute greatly to that.

[Slide 26]

We’ve created “50001 Ready” which is our on-ramp or initial step that companies can take, if they’d like, to implementing ISO 50001. What it is, is a self-attestation to implementing the requirements of ISO 50001. It is not a certification. It does come with a DOE recognition that a company has implemented the requirements of ISO 50001. You do this by using the DOE “50001 Ready Navigator Tool.” Then of course, once you do 50001 Ready, you could decide to get ISO 50001 or SEP certification, if it fits your business strategy. We just introduced this last week, and you’ll see at the end there’s a website to check that out. I would encourage you to check out the Navigator tool, which was recently released and a user-friendly tool that helps you put the requirements of ISO 50001 in place. This is a successor to the eGuide, as it has most of the information that the eGuide has but does it in a more streamlined way to enable an energy team to work together, or for a team leader to make assignments for the team to track their progress.

[Slide 27]

Here’s a comparison of 50001 Ready to SEP certification. 50001 Ready is a self-attestation. It comes with DOE recognition of “readiness” to pursue the next steps of getting ISO 50001- or SEP-certified. You use the “50001 Ready Navigator”, which is online, and you will also use the Energy Performance Indicator Tool Lite, or something similar to it, to calculate your energy savings and report that to DOE to get the recognition.

SEP is a full certification, which requires both ISO 50001 and DOE SEP certification by a third party. With these two programs, we feel that industry has choices in terms of taking the steps to implement ISO 50001.

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[Slide 29]

Let’s conclude and then take some questions. The SEP 2017 simplify the SEP program documents and requirements based your input, stakeholder input. These updated documents are now available through our website and through ANSI’s website. Facilities may seek SEP as long as they have a Verification Body that’s accredited to do that. Check with your Verification Body if they are pursuing that capability. Users are encouraged to take advantage of this new program. However, you can use the 2012 program until June 2019. The ISO 50001 standard will be revised next year (we’re anticipating around September or October of 2018). Therefore we will go through an SEP revision again in the next year to take advantage of that revision to make sure we’re aligned with the new international standard. We are going to form a program review group to make these changes. And we have the 50001 Ready program, which your organizations might want to check out if you’re not quite yet ready for certification but want to implement and get the value of ISO 50001 right away. Okay, I think we’re done and ready for some questions!

>> Pamela de los Reyes

There’s one question that came in that might be for Bill. What advantages would there be to move the baseline from my initial period to the last three years? Wouldn’t satisfying the requirements be easier for the former than for the latter?

>> Bill Meffert

Under the new program, moving the baseline to the previous reporting period may give you some advantages—and it may not. Whether you keep your baseline the same or move it, it doesn’t really matter that much because the 3% over three years that’s required under the new program remains the same (whether you keep your baseline the same or not). As we’ve worked with companies as part of the pilot programs up to this point, some of them have wanted to make that change and others have not. But I will tell you that typically, most companies have changed the year that they’ve developed their models for. Things change a lot—in manufacturing especially. While I was talking I just realized that if you possibly added a whole lot of process equipment or something else during the previous achievement period, maybe you left that out of your former energy consumption that maybe now in the new recertification period, you may want to add that new equipment into the baseline. So that might be another reason to go ahead and re-baseline. I hope that answers your question.

>> [Audience member]

[Static] Yes, appreciate it.

>> Pamela de los Reyes

This question is for Paul. Did you mention a new EnPI tool for performance validation? If so, when will this be available?

>> Paul Scheihing

There is actually a new tool. It’s called EnPI Lite. It’s very similar to the Excel-based EnPI Tool. [EnPI Lite] is online. It is not quite as robust as the Excel Tool, but it does much of what the Excel Tool does. It’s a little bit more user friendly because of the online format. Go to the 50001 Ready web page and you should be able to find it there.

>> Pamela de los Reyes

Are there any 2017 VBs yet? Or, can you tell us who they are?

>> Paul Scheihing

You can go to the SEP website and see the list of VBs, of which three are listed. I know all of them are pursuing the qualification. It should not take them more than a couple of weeks to get qualified, if they’re doing everything that needs to be done. So go to the SEP website and see the current, accredited VBs. As far as I know, all of them are pursuing it.

>> Pamela de los Reyes

The next question is if all SEP 2017 information discussed on today’s webinar is going to be on the website?

>> Paul Scheihing

Yes! We have a whole web page on the 2017 program. It would be good for people to go to for more information.

>> Pamela de los Reyes

Sure. I just pulled up the SEP website. On the home page, we have information about both the SEP 2012 and SEP 2017 programs. So click on “SEP 2017” and you’ll be able to see the updated program documents and the versions of the new normative references and links to purchase the ANSI/MSE standards. We also had a recent news item that announced the availability of the program, so check out the SEP news and we actually have more recent news since our recent announcement. So please check out the website for all the latest. As I mentioned at the beginning of this webinar, we will be posting this webinar and slides so that you can refer to this later.

Paul, this question is for you. Will everyone today receive an invitation for the review committee?

>> Paul Scheihing

No. We’ve got to keep the group fairly small. We’ve tried to make it a diverse group across industry—with both people who have done SEP and people who have not done SEP. However, we follow a voluntary consensus process. The public will be able to see, probably in October, there will be a release of changes and anybody would be able to make a comment on the changes made.

>> Pamela de los Reyes

Paul and Bill, are there any special highlights on the new ISO 50001:2018, and any particular areas to focus on?

>> Paul Scheihing

Yeah, I’ll start. One thing we’d like to do is continue to make the [SEP] program more obtainable to sectors that are challenged to make the improvement requirements, such as the energy-intensive sectors. We’d like to, for example, have a company get a verified number that shows improvement. Then what we want to discuss in this review group is, for Gold and Platinum level, what will it take to get to that? How much of it should be improvement, and how much should be through the Scorecard?

>> Bill Meffert

I think what might’ve of interest is the changes to ISO 50001. Aimee is on the call, and I’m wondering if she wants to chime in on some of the particular changes to ISO 50001 that’s coming out in 2018.  

>> Aimee McKane

Some of the changes… Well, there’s going to be a lot of reorganization of the standard because we’re having to model it to what [ISO is] calling the high-level structure. So we’re going to see some new sections having to do with organizational context that we didn’t have before with ISO 50001. The way that this high-level structure is set up, for those who aren’t familiar with it, essentially, it has some boilerplate (for lack of better term) language that ISO is mandating across all of their management system standards. And then there’s standard-specific language—in this case, having to do with energy management, that follows in each section. So we’re working really hard to preserve the usability of the standard and preserve the major concepts of the standard. I think we’re largely succeeding in that regard, but it is a major undertaking. We still have a fair amount of discussion. This will be happening next week that will drive the final shaping of what is sent out for review. At this point, it might look a lot different than the way ISO 50001 currently looks. We did not have much control over the look and feel, but we’re trying to make sure that we preserve the dual focus on the EnMS and the energy performance improvement; the focus on quantification of results; the focus on the 80/20 rule in the sense of focus on what’s important (pick your significant energy uses and get some success going in areas that really matter first. So we’re trying to preserve all those concepts and I think we’re doing a pretty good job, but it’s been a long struggle. Does that help, Bill?

>> Bill Meffert

Yeah, I think that helps. Thank you

>> Aimee McKane

From the front lines.

>> Bill Meffert

Yeah, I wanted the head of the [U.S. Technical Advisory Group] to explain it.

>> Pamela de los Reyes

Thanks, Aimee. The next question is about the Enterprise approach and if there will be any guidance steps or protocols to help users through that.

>> Paul Scheihing

Yes! I really want to put something on the website. There is an Enterprise-wide web page put up last week. You might’ve seen the news item come out. It has the case studies of the four companies, but what I want to do is provide a little more guidance for a company that is interested in putting an enterprise in place, and in particular, pinpoint resources that we could provide to you to do this. We really think this is going to be the way to go for companies that want to do ISO 50001 and SEP. The success of the four companies is so great that I can’t imagine that any company that wanted to do ISO 50001 not taking a look at this and how they went about the enterprise.

>> Pamela de los Reyes

[Showing SEP website] Here’s the web page that Paul was referring to. You can get to it from the SEP home page and the news item related to the Enterprise-wide. The case studies are also available from here too.

>> Paul Scheihing

The person’s question was right on because admittedly, the website is a little short on answering the question of, “How do I do this?” We’re going to try to put something up within a month or so.  

>> Pamela de los Reyes

Well that was the last question I got through the chat and don’t see any raised hands. Are there any remaining questions that anyone in the audience would like to ask before we sign off?

>> Paul Scheihing

Good questions. Thank you very much!

>> Pamela de los Reyes

I don’t see any more questions, Paul. Thank you Paul, and thank you Bill, and Aimee, for answering questions and presenting. We will make the webinar and these materials available, and we’ll alert you via email when these things are posted.

There’s one last question. Will 50001 Ready self-attestation count toward SEP certification?

>> Paul Scheihing

[Back to Slide 27]

No, it won’t. You will have to get ISO 50001 certified as you do today. As Bill said, we changed ANSI/MSE 50028 so that you can either do ISO 50001 and SEP simultaneously, or you can do ISO 50001 first and then do SEP. But you always have to do ISO 50001 certification to get SEP.

But if you do 50001 Ready, that’s the point of the program. You should be on your way for being prepared to do either ISO 50001 or SEP certification.

>> Pamela de los Reyes

 Okay, thank you everyone. Great questions today, and great presentations. We’ll be posting this information online and sharing that with you once it’s available.