Categorical Exclusion Determinations issued by Western Area Power Administration-Sierra Nevada Region.

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CX-029078: ODA-TCY 6 LZs near 168-2, 171-2, 172-1, 177-1, 179-2, 183-2
This Amended Determination follows the approval of additional funds, period of performance, and new project performer (magniX USA Inc.) to support …
CX-028696: Trinity-Weaverville, -Carr, and Lewiston Tap Off ROW Tree Removal
WAPA proposes to remove up to 282 trees outside the TNI-WEA, LWN-LWNT, and TNY-CAR rights-of-way (ROWs).…
CX-028370: WAPA Property Acquisition at PG and E Cottonwood Substation Section G
Western Area Power Administration, Sierra Nevada Region (WAPA) proposes to file a condemnation of land and Declaration of Taking to acquire a fee i…
CX-027961: Olinda Tracy 3 Landing Zones at 92-1, 174-2, and 164-4
WAPA proposes to replace spacers on spans along the ODA-TCY transmission line.…