This is the text version of the video DOE Hydrogen Program Update at the DOE Hydrogen Program 2022 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting.

Sunita Satyapal, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office: And so now we will be switching over to the main plenary. So, if we can have my slides pulled up, I will go ahead and start here, if we go to the next slide, with the big picture. So, start with the energy, market, and policy context.

And if we go to the next slide here, we can see the U.S. energy consumption. And for the first time in history, renewables have surpassed coal consumption. So, huge promise there. But you can see we still rely very heavily on fossil fuels. And if you click once more, you can see the administration's priorities. We have to get to net zero by 2050, 50% to 52% reduction by 2030—our international commitments. And then, a 100% clean grid by 2035. And if you click once more, I want to emphasize again, as you just heard, the importance of energy justice, really benefiting those who have historically experienced energy and environmental injustice.

And if you go to the next slide, in terms of CO2 emissions we have—we produce 5.9 billion tons of CO2. You can see here all of this from the different sectors. And we have to address an "all of the above" portfolio approach. So, electrification, efficiency improvements. And hydrogen can provide benefits, especially in those hard-to-decarbonize sectors. And already, if you look at today, if you go to the next slide, we produce more than 10 million metric tons of hydrogen. And you can see on this slide most of that is for industrial applications—so, refining, fertilizer, ammonia production.

And if you click once more, you can see the U.S. landscape. Most regions have hydrogen production capacity from natural gas. We have over 1,600 miles of pipeline; three geological caverns, including the world's largest; and on the right we show the emerging applications. So, again, it's an emerging market, but you can see thousands of fuel cells being used, backup power, forklifts, some of the buses, stations, vehicles.

And if you go to the next slide, last year you may remember that we showed for the first time a map of PEM electrolyzer deployments. So, these are either already planned, under construction, or operational. And this was exactly a year ago we unveiled this for the first time. So, I'm pleased today to—if you click one more—thank you to Vanessa, this is the newest, hot-off-the-press, over 620 megawatts. And you can see these locations where we're starting to see scale. So, a lot more examples, 120 megawatts, as you can see in the light orange here. So, again, very exciting times. And so, that's a threefold increase in just one year.

And if you want to plot that growth—if you go to the next slide—you can see the exponential growth there at the bottom right of the graph. So, again, these numbers are small—so, not even one gigawatt. And if you compare them to wind and solar, the left y-axis here—thanks to Masha and many other resources here at the bottom—you can see huge deployment, huge growth, wind and solar. But if you actually look at the shape of the curve, the exponential feature on the electrolysis, we're seeing huge, huge demand and growth. So, again, so many numbers out there. A wide variation of estimates. Just one example of over 60 gigawatts globally in terms of electrolyzer projections and demand in the next decade.

And one of the reasons that we're seeing that is not just a technology push but we're seeing more interest from utilities than we've ever seen before. And if we go to the next slide, this is one of the reasons why. So, again, historic times here. For the first time in history, exactly a month ago at 3 p.m., if you look at the little white circle there, you can see that renewable power basically has sufficient capacity to power the entire state of California. So, if you look at the dashed line, that's the demand. You can see there for a short—for a period there was more renewables than there was demand. However, it was not possible to turn off the natural gas. If you look at earlier—midnight to daytime—huge natural gas plants, and it's really difficult to turn down those fossil assets. So, there too, dispatchable firm capacity, that's another major driver. And so, the importance of hydrogen for energy storage. So, again, it's no longer just a technology push; we're starting to see market pull.

And so, if we go to the next slide—so, all of this provides high-level context. So, next, we're going to go into developing our strategy, sharpening our tools, our targets. And if you click once more, I'll be going at warp speed for this presentation, and we'll be exercising both the left and the right sides of the brain. And so, we all know for a scientific fact that you have to water the roots, not the branches and the leaves, in order to get growth, really. And so, we really have to get at the root of all of these problems. We know with hydrogen we have market risk, we have technology risk, cost, performance. We also have financial risk. And we need to address all of these at the root of the problem. So, I'm going to be using this tree analogy throughout. So, we start with the big picture perspective, the context, the forest, but we do have to get down into the branches, the leaves, the roots.

So, if we go to the next slide, what we'll do next is transition into the DOE Hydrogen Program, our overall strategy and the overview. So, if you click once more, I think all of you are aware of the DOE program. It spans multiple offices. Hydrogen is a key element of an entire "all of the above" portfolio to decarbonize. I think you should all be very well aware of the H2@Scale vision, the Swiss army knife concept, conceptual figure shown here for hydrogen. And we released the DOE-wide Program Plan on the right, which is available on the website.

And on the next slide we show the fact that it is very comprehensive, and it includes the entire value chain—so, production, delivery, storage, conversion applications—and across the entire sector, both near term and long term. So, in the near term we have to get to scale and have to use proven technologies. We're also looking at innovation in the longer term. And all these slides will be available, so I'll go quickly here.

But the main thing I want to emphasize on the next slide is it's a coordinated strategy. And we have over 400 projects that we're funding—so, U.S. taxpayer dollar projects. Many of you out there—again, a big thank you—200 companies, universities, 15 national labs. And you can see this circle, this basic and applied research—so, basic science, applied R&D, systems integration, de-risking technologies, larger-scale demos, deployment. So, again, you heard the overall strategy creating this new Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, and you'll hear a lot more from my colleagues across all the offices in the upcoming panels. But then, data collection: How do we get those lessons learned, feed back into this cycle? And then, the foundation at the bottom—so, again, diversity, equity, inclusion, all that's necessary to be successful.

And then, on the right we emphasize here the portfolio includes a number of different types of projects. So, we have single project recipients and subrecipients. We have consortia, which you'll be hearing a lot more about these—so, leveraging the national labs. We have direct projects where we fund the labs directly or what we call cooperative agreements where industry can work with the labs. We have the Technology Commercialization Fund as well. And finally, four, we have statutory requirements to fund small businesses—so, innovation as well. And then, the picture shows the concept of the consortia. So, this is where we have not just individual projects but create this whole ecosystem. We provide capabilities from the labs and then we have some funding opportunity announcements, or FOAs, that bring in a steady influx of new projects with industry, academia, other labs. And so, you'll see some examples down at the bottom there, and we'll talk a lot more in detail.

So, if we go to the next slide, we have so much going on. So, I wanted to highlight just the top priorities. So, first, we have to get to low-cost hydrogen production. Second—and we'll be ramping up efforts in this area—we have to get low-cost, obviously safe delivery, storage infrastructure. And then, third, low-cost, durable, efficient conversion technologies, and that includes both fuel cells and you'll hear a lot more from our fossil energy and carbon management counterparts on turbines. And anything we do on turbines has to be low NOx, low emissions. And then, finally, the fourth is enabling end use applications at scale. So, these are really the top four priorities. And again, we have a very comprehensive portfolio.

If you click once more, you will see, again, a bird's-eye view of the key initiatives to address those priorities. So, again, I know this is a lot of acronyms but you'll hear a lot more throughout the week and from my colleagues coming up, but the consortia, like H2NEW, HydroGEN, the prize you just heard about, the demos. In the middle one we have, again, H-Mat and HyBlend. We have work on carbon fiber tanks, liquefaction, and so forth. The third one, we have the Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck Consortium. The fourth one, H2@ Scale demos. And how do we really enable end use at scale? So, obviously, the Hubs, the Matchmaker. And then, on the right, everything that we do is driven by the targets—so, the DOE targets, which are set with industry inputs showing what's needed to be competitive.

And so, if we go to the next slide, we—I wanted to highlight the budgets within DOE and our plans. So, the next slide gives you an overview of, again, all the key applied offices involved. And the Office of Science activity, some of the other offices. So, we have fiscal year 2021. So, this is funding already appropriated by Congress. FY22, we will be finalizing at the end of the year—so, as some of the offices allocate final funding. And then, you can see the president's request for fiscal year 2023. So, that is $406 million. So, Congress appropriates that funding but that is our request, and you can see it across all the offices.

So, the strategy, again, is all-hands-on-deck. So, depending on the office—you can see, for example, EERE's focus is renewables. Each office is responsible for work around their feedstock, their resources. Fossil Energy: fossil fuels with carbon management—so, including efforts looking at waste, for instance, carbon emissions mitigation. A huge effort there. You can see the ramp-up in funding. Nuclear: obviously looking at nuclear projects. We have five now relevant to nuclear-to-hydrogen. You'll hear more in the next panel. And then, crosscutting foundational offices here: Office of Science and ARPA-E and others. And so, this gives you, again, a high-level snapshot. And each office has their own processes in terms of reviews. So, for example, NETL has a review coming up in August. Please do feel free to attend for all of the FECM projects.

And if you click once more, though, for the legacy perspective, HFTO has been the focus of the AMR, and so we'll do a deep dive here. So, as a reminder, we have these four subprograms. These are Congressional budget line item subprograms—so, Hydrogen Technologies, Fuel Cell Technologies. And then, what's new under Systems Development and Integration, which as Jesse will explain we also call Technology Acceleration, is we break out the specific sectors in that FY23 request, so you have more transparency in terms of transportation, industrial, energy storage. And then Safety, Codes and Standards is also part of that. And then, of course Systems Analysis is a key part of the subprogram as well.

So, in terms of the budgets, if we go to the next slide, you can see how it's broken up. And again, you see FY21, FY22, what Congress appropriated, and then in FY23 what the request, what the president's request is. And so, the activities, again, from a high-level—you'll hear a lot more detail coming up. Analysis: so, small but mighty. So, really critical, guiding and strengthening the portfolio. Rigorous, transparent analysis. You'll see a big increase in terms of the green there—so, validating first-of-a-kind systems, de-risking the technology. So, really integrating, for instance, electrolyzers with resources, with end use. And it includes the critical part of safety codes and standards, workforce development.

The yellow there is fuel cells. So, there we're especially including the—increasing an effort on the heavy-duty fuel cells—so, the R&D. But what's new is also the supply chain focus. So, critical materials, that will be key. And then, you can see an increase, especially in the delivery and storage aspect. So, we'll talk more about that, but bulk storage, liquid, looking at carriers. And then, for production, even though that appears to be lower, that is where we'll be supplementing our funding with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which is covered, if we go to the next slide…

And so, here, if you click once more, this is, again, such an unprecedented time in history. So, we have $62 billion for the Department of Energy. The president signed into law the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, and it includes $9.5 billion for clean hydrogen. So, that's on top of the annual appropriations that I just talked about. So, $1 billion for electrolysis, $0.5 billion for manufacturing/recycling, and then $8 billion for at least four regional clean hydrogen hubs. So, all of this aligns with Hydrogen Shot. There is specific statutory language for us to get to $2.00 per kilogram by 2026. And it requires a national hydrogen strategy and roadmap.

And if you go to the next slide—again, there's a lot of information here but this is more of a crib sheet with a little more detail. You can see the actual section numbers on the right. And it gives you, again, a little more detail on the electrolysis program. It includes the entire spectrum of RDD&D, multiple electrolysis technologies, demos, and so forth.

Clean hydrogen manufacturing and recycling for the first time really emphasizes end of life and recycling—so, looking at recovery, let's say, of critical materials and how do we design for end of life.

The regional hubs. We'll talk a lot more about that I think, hopefully, everyone was very excited to hear the notice of intent. And with our OCED as well, we will hear a lot more.

And then, if we go to the last item here, the national strategy and roadmap—and go to the next slide—this is where I'm going to give you an overarching perspective of what we've been doing in this space.

So, click once more. I know it's a very accelerated timeline, but first and foremost, I wanted to thank all of the stakeholders. We've had multiple agencies, webinars with the public, over 85 from industry, especially industry coalitions. A big shoutout to FCHEA, the national labs. And something different this year: we've had listening sessions, smaller ones, the tribal groups, the labor unions, the EJ community. A special shoutout to environmental organizations. And at the bottom you can see the acronyms here, but again, across all of the DOE offices. And again, you see stakeholder engagement, analysis, really relying on a lot of the H2@Scale analysis. There was already an industry-led roadmap. And getting feedback, looking at the assessments to get to what would be required for that national strategy.

And so, if we go to the next slide, I wanted to provide some overarching perspective. And so, as we look at developing the strategy, we have these guiding principles. So, looking at hydrogen, how do we enable deep decarbonization, catalyzing innovation and investment, spurring domestic manufacturing, jobs—obviously, sustainable jobs will be critical. We already heard about DEI, just EJ, and really looking at approaching all of this holistically when it comes to hydrogen. So, enabling affordability, versatility.

And so, the strategy, if you look on the right, the top three priorities are, first, to target strategic, high-impact end uses of hydrogen. So, again, it's not hydrogen for everything. We're going to be complementing other parts of the overall toolbox and looking at those hard-to-decarbonize sectors. Second is laser focus on reducing the cost of hydrogen. So, we've heard a lot about that. And then, third is this whole concept of regionality. So, again, how do we look at co-locating supply and demand. The hydrogen hubs will be a critical part of that to get to scale in the appropriate way. And then, you see at the bottom these foundational, enabling activities—so, working with other agencies, really, on how do we accelerate market liftoff, workforce development, safety codes and standards, obviously the right policies, stimulating private sector, EJ again keeps coming in. So, the overarching vision here is how do we enable affordable, clean hydrogen for a net-zero-carbon future and a sustainable and resilient and equitable economy?

So, with that, if we—I'm going to go through each one of these very quickly and start with the first one, which—on the next slide—which is target strategic, high-impact uses of hydrogen. So, if you click once more, as a reminder—so, we have many gigatons of CO2 and we have an all-hands-on-deck approach. We have to get to net zero. And so, we'll be focusing hydrogen, as you can see with the circles, those hard-to-decarbonize—so, for instance, freight trucks, certain examples with air, and industry, as you see on the bottom, refining. Again, those—steel production already produces 7% of global emissions. So, these are going to be the main areas of focus.

And if we go to the next slide—I want to really emphasize this—is that we have to—in all cases cannot artificially prop up the industry and get to scale. All of our work is really prioritized on how do we get the costs down and enable market-driven market penetration? So, some applications—so, here the y-axis shows threshold cost or willingness to pay. In other words, for hydrogen to be competitive, we need to get those costs so that they're competitive with incumbent or other advanced technologies. So, we see some niche applications—for instance, the forklifts or some heavy-duty applications like the buses or trucks where we only need maybe $5.00 to—or even over $5.00 for hydrogen delivered and dispensed that would allow it to be competitive. But if you look at some of those other markets down—as you go down the curve here, you really need to get much lower costs to unlock that market potential and to be competitive. So, again, as a reminder, in the U.S., hydrogen is really cheap, less than $1.50 or so from natural gas. And so, all of this is predicated on the U.S. market. If this is going to get to scale in the U.S., we have to get the cost down.

So, now let's try to quantify a little more. If we go to the next slide—again, a huge kudos to Neha and team here—we have—we showed this slide previously, so this is an update. And basically, it shows, again, on the y-axis what is the threshold cost needed for hydrogen to be competitive? And we can start to see early market adopters—for instance, around $5.00. And this shows the medium-, heavy-duty truck market. So, here at $4.00—and this is, again, this is a scenario, so these are different scenarios for the U.S. market. If we can get, say, 10%—again, cost-competitive with other technologies like BEVs and so forth—of all the trucks using fuel cells, that shows on the y-axis how much hydrogen would be needed. And then, we step down each of these different market segments. So, biofuels and power-to-liquid, or PTL, including sustainable aviation fuel. So, steel manufacturing—so, that is an example if we have 10% of all U.S. steel that used clean hydrogen. Ammonia, for instance, in this example it's all of the domestic ammonia and, again, not including any additional ammonia or derivatives of ammonia that could be used for export. Energy storage, I already showed you the examples of California and the need for energy storage. And again, there's a lot of uncertainty there. Methanol, heat, additional demands.

So, again, the main takeaway here is that the dark colors show some of the conservative example scenarios and the lighter colors show more optimistic potential. And so, this is the preliminary analysis. And if you take this slide and you flip it vertically, which is in the next slide, that will give you an idea, again, of what some of the opportunities are. Again, there's a lot of uncertainty here, but if we start just in the next decade—so, 2030—we'll be catalyzing clean hydrogen in existing industries—so, ammonia refineries, start use in sustainable aviation fuels, and looking at potential exports. And then, here, the second phase we can start to scale up, we'll see more examples of heavy-duty transport as the infrastructure is developed, industrial applications, energy storage, and then finally on the right you see the potential, again, for much more hydrogen, but a lot of uncertainty there. You see the power-to-liquid fuels, sustainable aviation, and so forth. And so, this is one scenario.

And if you click once more, I think that the main takeaway is that there's still significant uncertainty. So, here in this visual we show in the dark green the core examples, the core scenarios of how much hydrogen that we think could be produced. Again, this is not just production but this is demand-driven, so matching supply and demand. That's really critical. And then, the light green shows a significant uncertainty. So, you can see a broad range again. So, we have the production tax credit, for instance, that the president requested in the American Jobs Plan. We're still hoping Congress will pass that, and that will make major, major changes. And so, again, the key in this is there's a lot of uncertainty. And you see the different sectors, the different market segments that could be using hydrogen. And so, you see these numbers here, the potential opportunities. Again, these are scenarios. So, 5 million by 2030, 20 million by 2040, and 50 million by 2050. And these are consistent with the National Climate Strategy that was released and a potential for 10% of emissions reduction as a result of hydrogen.

But there's still a lot of challenges. So, this looks very promising, but if we go to the next slide, this is where we really want to focus on. We had the Hydrogen Shot Summit since the last time we met. We had the Secretary, Secretary John Kerry, Bill Gates, many leaders, many of you who were there. And we asked these thousands of stakeholders, "What are the biggest barriers to hydrogen market adoption?"

So, you can see this list here. So, in order—so, cost was the biggest barrier. Sufficient infrastructure. Public awareness. You can see—I won't read all of them, but you can see there are many, many challenges. And so, the next step in this strategy is a laser focus on cost reduction.

So, if we go to the next slide—and click once more—every year we show this slide or a variation of this slide. And again, all of this will be provided for you, but the green is the target. Again, these are market driven. We have many, many targets. These are just examples. So, the first is for heavy-duty fuel—Class 8 fuel-cell trucks, what is needed to be competitive. And again, these are very aggressive, but based on what's required for sustainable market penetration competitiveness. And then, the red shows you the low-volume cost based on today's technology. And then, the orange shows you the projected cost at higher volumes.

And so, you can see in many cases here we're still not there. So, we're going to need to get to scale but we also need innovation. And so, you'll hear a lot more throughout the week on these. And now, we'll focus—we need to focus on cost reduction across the board, but I'll switch over to the Hydrogen Shot, if we go to the next slide.

And here, unless you've been living under a rock for the last year, hopefully everyone's heard about the Energy Earthshot, similar to the moonshot from half a century ago. And this is, again, a bold, ambitious, easily articulated goal of "1-1-1" to galvanize the entire community. And we now have not just one decade; we only have nine years left. So, you'll hear a lot more tomorrow and throughout.

On the next slide is a summary. Again, we showed this last year. So, all of the resources—again, it's all-hands-on-deck. The baseline electrolysis from last year at $5.00, thermal conversion, advanced pathways, and then you can see all the use cases, all the benefits. So, I've already covered this. But the next slide shows a little more detail here in terms of the different pathways. So, if you click once more, you can see electrolysis—and again, we'll be looking at many different scenarios. And again, the $5.00 is a very specific case at low volumes. You see the cost of electricity in green, the capital costs in blue. This is very challenging, but we have to get to $2.00 by 2026, $1.00 by 2031. And again, these are scenarios of what might be needed to get there. Thermal conversion—you'll hear a lot more from our FECM Office and others. And this is just one example; it's not just cost but we have to get emissions down. And then advanced pathways.

So, now let me do a deep dive on electrolysis, if we go to the next slide. And now, here, again, it's just one example. This shows low-volume PEM electrolysis capital costs. Again, we get lots of feedback from industry, and we're conservative here. We don't want to overhype status. And it shows here in this example $1,500 per kilowatt, which was the baseline that we got the $5.00 from. And it shows that if we can get to scale—so, manufacturing at scale—we can cut the cost perhaps in half. But we still need innovations—stack innovations, balance-of-plant innovations—to get to that $2.00 in addition to scale. And then, you can see what more is needed to get to $1.00. So, again, lots and lots of work here. We look forward to all of your feedback.

And so, if we go to the next slide, that was one example, but all of the tools in the toolbox are needed. So, we—in addition to the technologies we are also looking at innovative mechanisms to stimulate the RDD&D pipeline. And so, as was just announced today, the Hydrogen Shot Incubator Prize—so, that complements the conventional FOAs that we have. And the idea is that we'll look at many different concepts. We have a Hydrogen Shot screening phase and we provide vouchers for those innovators, any of you who are proposing ideas, so that you can use our national lab experts for the proof-of-concept phase. Then we have—depending on those that look promising, ultimately, you'll be able to pitch to investors—so, bringing in the investment community—or to apply for future funding opportunity announcements. And as mentioned, we have thousands of pages of feedback from all of you, and so as an example—Ned will talk about this more—this picture here across the entire TRL spectrum of what does industry need for us to accelerate progress? And many, many different examples, and scaling up through both the demos and the hubs and so forth.

So, again, hot off the press, the next slide gives you a sneak preview. So, feel free—the website is live. A big shoutout to Annemarie, our Hydrogen Shot fellow, Kim, Ned, the whole team here in terms of the concept. So, the Propose! phase—again, this complements the traditional FOA process, so it incentives the entrepreneurial community. You can see some seed funding, vouchers, the Prove! phase, and then eventually get to the Pitch Day for the winners. So, again, a huge opportunity there.

But that's really focusing on the technology space, and we'll have a lot more in terms of our FOAs and so forth that we'll be announcing. But now we'll go to scale.

So, if we go to the next slide, this is where the third part of our strategy comes in, and that's focused on regional networks, regionality. And if you click once more—so, this is where the entire BIL "clean hydrogen hubs" comes in, which shows the three pillars—thanks to Thomas here. We see—this is actual statutory language. So, the first pillar is "clean hydrogen producers." The third pillar is "clean hydrogen consumers," and that's across sectors. And then, the middle—again, this is required by the law—it’s "connective infrastructure located in close proximity." So, that's the exact language. So, again, that whole concept of co-locating large-scale production, demand, that we can't afford to have stranded assets, we want to capitalize on that infrastructure, help basically speed that development, get low-cost infrastructure, and ramp up scale. So, we had the Request for Information, which got, again, lots of feedback. The picture on the right just shows examples of feedback from stakeholders, RFI inputs.

And the next slide shows a lot more detail, which I'm not going to read through because you've seen this many times before. We've presented this. The key is really to see similarities in terms of certain types of communities, like the coastal communities or where you see nuclear or wind or fossil or CCS. So, all of this is going to be critical as we think about the nation, as we think about the growth of hydrogen.

And the next slide—again, from a comprehensive federal perspective, we are looking at the resources. So, you can see where the wind, solar, biomass, nuclear, natural gas with CCS—so, really thinking strategically, how do we co-locate CCS infrastructure with the fossil assets. That's going to be really critical. And so, all of this is part of the strategy.

And if you go to the next slide—we've not shown this one before, and this is where we're looking at specifically industrial examples. And this concept of industrial clusters has been used internationally as well. So, this shows you, again, examples of industrial sites—so, where you have aluminum, ammonia, other production, the CO2 sources, the CO2 sinks. And so, you can visualize where hydrogen, large-scale hydrogen production could be situated to enable that end use.

And one key example is ammonia, which is shown on the next slide. And so, here also this shows you, again, an example of matching supply and demand where you can see existing wind resources, for instance, where the ammonia plants are located. Again, how do we strategically look at ramping up supply and demand? So, that gives you a preview—so, again, of the strategy.

And now, we'll switch to the next slide, onto existing work. Again, there's so much to cover, so if we click once more, I'm going to give you, again, a very high-level on accomplishments. And again, a big thank you to all of you who are really coming up with these innovations. We are now over 1,200 U.S.-issued patents just as a result of our funding, 30 technologies. We see another 65 that could be commercial. And if you click once more, market uptake. Again, we're now up to over 50,000 fuel cell forklifts, ramping up—major companies: Amazon, Walmart, Home Depot. Every few seconds some customer is refueling with hydrogen in the U.S. And a big shoutout to Plug Power and many others as well.

The H-Prize—again, we'll be having the station—this is being exported. I'll give a shoutout to those involved. We'll have one in D.C. now. And the key here, really, is market—really, market penetration.

So, very exciting news on the next slide. Last year, I announced the legendary Jigar Shah joined the Department of Energy, and he and his team, a big kudos there, have been very hard at work. And two out of three of the announced loan guarantee conditional commitments are for hydrogen. So, again, this is one of the mechanisms that we offer—so, $40 billion available in debt capital. So, again, bankability has always been a challenge. So, huge congratulations to Monolith in Nebraska—so, the first billion dollars for the first ever commercial-scale pyrolysis approach. So, you can see the jobs creation there. And then, producing that solid carbon co-value product, a big opportunity. And then, a huge shoutout to ACES—so, they're half a billion, and that will have a large, one of the largest in the world energy storage projects, a 220-megawatt electrolyzer. And so, again, a big, big shoutout there. So, at the very bottom you can see the contact information there if you're interested. So, feel free to reach out to the Loan Programs Office.

So, now I'm going to switch gears, and if you go to the next slide, you'll see a lot more information on the consortia. So, again, in addition to getting to scale and these market mechanisms we offer, we also need to empathize the R&D. So, this consortium, H2NEW, will be counting on all of you—and again, you see some of the examples here. We have very strong targets. And then, the next slide shows you the Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck Consortium. And then, here too you'll hear a lot more throughout the week. And if we go to—for instance, if you look at the top right, the main message is we need to look at all the components—MEAs, membranes, stacks, bipolar plates, air management. So, we're structuring these consortia so that we are addressing all of the different aspects and get to commercially viable systems.

So, finally, the supply chain and critical materials is also a huge, huge issue. So, hot off the press, next slide, I wanted to announce the first of its kind report that was released—actually, by the White House, also it included wind, solar, batteries. Feel free to look at the link there. And we look at different scenarios. So, the red is alkaline, the yellow is PEM, the blue is solid oxide. And we're looking across the entire value chain—the raw materials, process materials. How do we design for end of life? So, again, supply chain is one of the big areas of focus. And I do want to shout out to the national labs here. A special shoutout to Mark Ruth and others.

Which brings me to the next slide, which is, again, emphasizing the national labs. So, we have—these are the nation's crown jewels. Over 50 Nobel Prize winners. Incredible facilities here. And so, we are offering those resources. And last year I announced the CRADA call—so, if we click once more—so, CRADA stands for cooperative research and development agreement. The winners we are very, very pleased to announce. You'll hear a lot more than—the numbers in parentheses refer to the projects that you can view at the AMR. So, a big shoutout, SoCalGas and others here, I won't read through all of them. But basically offering capabilities to the labs where you can integrate systems, de-risk before you deploy. So, it reduces the private sector investment risk. And a huge shoutout to the leaders here in industry who are stepping up and providing cost share, showing skin in the game.

One more on the next slide—I know I'm going really fast, but you are going to have all this information available. But I did want to have a big shoutout here to Seattle City Light. The Port of Seattle ports are another important part of the strategy. Risk assessments—this is one example with rail technologies. Next generation sensors, that's also going to be really critical.

And if we keep going to one more slide, you'll hear more about the HyBlend consortium, the H-Mat consortium. Again, many of you out there, if you'd like to get engaged—so, how do we raise the tide so all the ships go up, avoid duplication? So, here, looking at materials, what more can we do to enable blending of hydrogen? And then, it's not just technology but I do want to highlight one other new example on the next slide, and that's for innovation. First-of-a-kind Hydrogen Business Case Prize. So, the idea was to complement—really develop these user-friendly tools looking at the regional value proposition. And if you click once more, a big kudos to the winners, and you're going to hear from them also at the AMR, so please do join us. We have - linking students with experts. So, a big shoutout and a special acknowledgement to Masha from our office, the brainchild of Masha here. And very, very excited to hear from all of you, from the students.

And especially on the next slide, I do want to have a shoutout to the mentors. So, many of you out there, some of you are watching, we really, really appreciate it. These are experts in the field. Thank you for spending time mentoring these students here, which really brings up the importance of connections. And so, the next slide is really getting to our next part of the strategy, which is growing those connections and strengthening the network. And so, if we keep going here—I wanted to highlight—again, I mentioned the right side of the brain and the left side of the brain, because I know there's lots of information that we're throwing at you. This is a scientific fact I just realized recently, and the redwood trees are the tallest trees on the planet, and they grow really tall but in spite of harsh terrain. You'd think they have very deep roots, but actually they have very shallow roots, but they're able to grow so tall and strong because their roots—because of the collective strength of their roots, so, their interwoven system with the trees, neighboring trees. And so, if you cut one down, you don't have one redwood—typically, they come in groves.

And so, again, this whole concept of interconnectivity is really epitomized in the next slide. And this is an example, a fun joke that we always have the idea with, from eHarmony—for those international folks who don't recognize the term, it's basically the H2 dating service game. We call it hHarmony as a joke. But basically, we all know one of the biggest challenges is demand. We have to have sustained demand—match demand with supply to avoid stranded assets. And you can have all the ideas in the world, but if they're not turned into reality, nothing happens. So, a huge shoutout to Zach from our office, a fellow who is now a fed, a federal employee. And so, please do go to H2 Matchmaker. We purposefully developed this to help facilitate the hubs partnership. So, again, we can—you can actually see visually where there are hydrogen producers, where there is demand, help to connect the teaming for the hubs. It also includes aspects in terms of equity, tribal communities, disadvantaged communities. So, please do—that's one request. Take a look at that to help us spread the word.

And then, a second shoutout on the next slide is hydrogen safety here. I just cannot overemphasize the importance of safety. So, kudos to Nick. Now over 80 members. Again, all the global players. I recognize many of you. You'll hear about their hydrogen fundamentals course, safety credentials. A lot of information there.

And then, if you click once more, when it comes to safety I do want to shout out—one more slide—is Sandia and this report looking at the regulatory gaps. Again, different agencies have jurisdiction, let's say, in pipelines or tunnels and so forth, and agencies are really, really critical.

So, the next slide gives you a snapshot of all the different partners. Again, this is very high level. Kudos to Pete and the entire team. But what we will be doing is working more closely with all of the other agencies to develop a prioritized plan of activities. And it's not just the domestic collaboration. On the next slide I want to emphasize strengthening the networks through international collaboration. So, if you have not heard of H2 Twin Cities, we launched that at—just a few months ago. And this aims to connect cities from different continents to help support the growth of hydrogen deployments. And we just extended the deadline. We have 51 countries now listening live, so please do look at the website before July 25 and see if you're interested in partnering. We have a self-identification process as well if you're interested in partnering as part of the H2 Twin Cities program.

And so, finally, the next slide, this includes, again, summarizing the importance of DEI in everything that we do. And so, here I do want to emphasize the Justice40. If we go to the next slide, it's this very historic initiative. So, Justice40 states that 40% of certain federal benefits must flow to disadvantaged communities. And so, the first step was to look at how do we define those disadvantaged communities? How do we define those investments? How do we define what our strategy is going to be? So, we heard from Shalanda Baker. And if you go to the next slide, we presented all of this, in fact, in February at the webinar. So, we have a link at the bottom. So, please do feel free to take a look at the details there. But this is all from Shalanda's office, so a big shoutout there. But we look at the definition—again, DACs is not "direct air capture" in this case; it's "disadvantaged communities." But we have over 13,000 Census tracts identified as disadvantaged in the U.S. That's over 18% of the total 70,000 Census tracts. All of this is still being updated, but it helps to determine, again, as you're thinking about the hubs or any of our projects, how can we engage with those disadvantaged communities and show benefits?

So, a huge shoutout on the next slide to one example of a project that we're funding. So, this aims to have 15 fuel cell trucks—this would double the range compared to battery trucks—in a disadvantaged community in California. You can see the exact location. So, they've already built the 10 trucks. Testing is underway. And you can see, again, the concrete benefit—so, air quality improvements, reducing diesel, benefitting the workers.

And finally, the second completely new that we've done this past year—on the next slide—is the tribal engagement. A huge shoutout, again to our Office of Indian Energy, if Francis is listening out there. And we've included tribes in the summits, we've had listening sessions. And I wanted to highlight in green the exact statutory language within the BIL in our manufacturing section that talks about operating in partnership with tribal energy development organizations, tribes, native Hawaiian communities. So, again, a huge, huge focus on tribal community engagements.

And another brand-new effort, if we go to the next slide, a big shoutout to our FECM office. We partnered with them on a new—in the U.S. we have terminology HBCU, historically Black colleges and universities, and MSIs is minority-serving institutions. So, we had a FOA specifically to link up these universities with the existing consortia. So, that offers opportunities for students to travel to national labs, create innovative business models, and it's not just the students; it's also the workforce, getting the pipeline to the workforce, which is shown in the next slide. So, a big shoutout to Los Alamos and Pajarito as an example. So, partnerships with MSIs. So, again, looking at students, linking up opportunities, not just training the students but to actually get jobs in labs or in industry. So, you'll hear more about that.

And then, finally, on the next slide it is also about workforce in general. So, a shoutout to EPRI. This is a project—a new project. And again, you see the number here. You'll be able to hear a lot more on H2EDGE—so, workforce development, short courses, bringing in universities as well. So, again, this whole theme here is, if you haven't seen, is the linkage, the interconnection.

And if we go to the next slide, we're also bringing this back home. So, a Hydrogen Shot fellowship. Hopefully, if there are any students, postdocs, anyone out there in the audience, please do go to this website. You'll see it presented periodically throughout. And the next slide also—I know I'm going really, really fast here, but the IPHE Early Career Network, over 37 countries. And here too we have a very specific ask, which is on the next slide—or if you click once more—and there's a survey: What are your interests? So, how do we really grow the network, offer career opportunities? So, again, all of this will be provided.

And I really can't end without the international collaboration. So, one more click here, and I can easily spend an hour talking about all the different partnerships. Again, a big thank you to all of you. Critical, critical activities. I'll highlight on the bottom right the next step here is looking strategically at where are the gaps across all of these initiatives. How can we prioritize our work, really leverage, avoid duplication? And so, that is getting close to the end, if we click once more.

And I know I'm five minutes over time here, but I want to end with building momentum. So, I've covered so much here, and if we click once more, and again, you'll hear a lot more detail, but it's basically the entire ecosystem from R&D, demos, manufacturing, scale-up, commercial-scale deployment, that feedback loop. All of that's available. And we'll provide this information in backup. So, the next slide gives you—again, for reviewers. So, you will be—again, this is not a conference. We're providing a lot of material, so you can see the year in review. And this has been a tremendous year. So, you can see very, very busy here. And then, a lot more detail on the next slide.

So, the next step is—we'll provide, again, for later use—we'd love for you to go through all of these concrete actions, the near-term, mid-term, and long-term. That will help feed into the DOE strategy as we finalize this. And then, obviously one of the big actions on the next slide is the release of the NOI. So, I know this is something that everyone's been waiting for. And if you click once more, hopefully everyone is already going to the website to get all the details. And a huge shoutout here, as I mentioned, the interconnected roots across offices here issued by OCED, our newest sister office, and you'll hear a lot more in the next panel. So, a big shoutout to Kelly, Todd, Melissa, Robin, so many of you. And then, on my team a huge shoutout, Jesse, Brian, Shawna. A huge team coordinated to get this H2 Hub notice of intent. So, obviously, the devil's in the details here, but you can see all the different phases. Very valuable feedback from the thousands of pages that we got from all of you.

And then, the next slide is to wrap things up. So, here to—basically enough to create insomnia here, but a lot of details here. What did we accomplish in 2021—this is really historic—in 2022, and then in 2023. So, as you can see, we're providing lots and lots of substance here. So, we don't want to give you just the high-level overview but give you a lot of detail on what's been happening.

And then, finally, on the next slide I do want to acknowledge all of the collaborators—so, you can see, again, hundreds of companies, universities, all of you out there. I know, I’m speaking directly to you, because, again, as the researchers, we need all hands on deck. This is such an unprecedented time, so we have to succeed. Again, all the different offices here, external partners.

But last but not least, on the next slide I do want to give a huge shoutout to my team here, the most dedicated, spectacular team. And I can't say thank you enough to all of you. And they've had to put up with me. I've been here more than 19 years now. And so, if you click once more, we are hiring. So, please do look at the website at the very bottom. We have an applicant portal. So, we'll be hiring. Again, a huge thank you to all of you.

And then, on the next slide, we have some save the dates. So, please do—hopefully in person—sorry we could not do it in person this year, but June 5–8, 2023; Hydrogen Day; Increase your H2IQ webinars. There's just so much. Please sign up for our newsletter. So, the bottom, there's just so much involved here that we need all of your help on.

And so, with that, I think the next slide basically brings us to the finale. And if we look again at some of the main takeaways that we've talked about, it's really "the long history of humankind, animal kind, those that learn to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed." And so, it really works the same way in the human world. It's the roots, where we connect to build our communities, where we build the unseen but essential connections. And those are the things that nourish us, allow us to achieve great heights, and we cannot rely on individual strength. We can't always grow the deep roots, weather any storm completely on our own. And so, when we connect well, when we work together, we share our strengths, that's when we're strongest and can overcome the big obstacles.

So, hydrogen, of course, has many obstacles, diverse resources, the infrastructure, all the different end uses. It has tremendous potential. But with that, we're really, really excited. And what we will do next—I know I'm a little bit over time, but we have the panel with my colleagues from all the other offices. So, we'll switch to that and then we'll switch to a break and come back for the rest of the plenary talks.