Join us for a virtual workshop on Dec. 7, 14, and 16 to help inform the Advanced Manufacturing Office’s (AMO) future research, development, and deployment (RD&D) programs in the energy-water nexus.

Join us for a virtual workshop on Dec. 7, 14, and 16 to help inform the Advanced Manufacturing Office’s (AMO) future research, development, and deployment (RD&D) programs in the energy-water nexus.

  • December 7th: Set the Stage (Recorded)
    • DOE is setting the stage on Day 1 to learn about currently funded AMO energy-water nexus programs, ongoing analysis, and perspectives from thought leaders in the sectors of Data, Agriculture, Municipalities/Utilities, and Small-scale community water systems
  • December 14th: Breakouts Round 1
    • Interact in topic-specific breakout sessions in data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and agriculture.
  • December 16th: Breakouts Round 2
    • Interact in topic-specific breakout sessions in municipal water systems at all scales, small-scale community water systems for underserved communities, and a crowd-sourced topic to help inform future AMO RD&D investment.