February 1, 2003

Planning for and Measuring Office of Inspector General Results FY 2002 Annual Performance Report and FY 2003 Annual Performance Plan

We are pleased to present the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) consolidated Fiscal Year 2002 Annual Performance Report and Fiscal Year 2003 Annual Performance Plan. This document evaluates our actual Fiscal Year (FY) 2002 performance and establishes the performance goals and strategies we will pursue in FY 2003 to fulfill our mission. As mandated by the Inspector General Act, the OIG promotes the effective, efficient, and economical operation of the Department of Energy’s programs and operations, including the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). We continue to provide assistance to the Department and the Congress by identifying opportunities to improve program performance and accountability, achieve cost savings, and return hard dollars to the Federal Government. The OIG also plays an important role in assisting the Department in implementing the Government Performance and Results Act.