
Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin established Earth Day in 1970 as a teaching opportunity for budding environmentalists and as a way to increase ecological awareness and grassroots activity.  From those humble beginnings, Earth Day is grown into a national celebration of environmentalism and conservation with events in nearly 200 countries.

The largest such event is the EarthX Expo - an annual 3-day weekend celebration held around Earth Day in Dallas, Texas. EarthX Expo has become the largest annual environmental exposition and programming initiative in the world, attracting more than 137,000 attendees, over 400 speakers, and over 600 exhibitors - including the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).  DOE and many of its labs have been active participants of  EarthX for many years now.  We are proud to once again be present at this incredible event in 2022, this year at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, with lots of great Energy Saver tips and giveaways. Look for DOE's booth at space 1610 overlooking the Green Events Stage.

This year’s Earth Day theme is Invest In Our Planet.

As the pace of climate change continues to accelerate, the time to act is now. Whether we like it or not, our planet is in obvious danger, and if we don’t attempt to fix the problems we have caused then it may eventually be too late.  Fortunately the American public has "gotten the idea" and is embracing environmentalism in growing numbers, but everyone must do their part. Take this day to begin to be a part of the solution by investing in the one place we all share and call home - Earth.   Here are a few ways to start:

  1. Volunteer to clean something local. It can be anything from a street to a river to a beach.  But if you are aware of a local cleanup looking for participants, do it! If not, start one on your own.  Cleaning an areas not only benefits your environment, but also can help you get in those steps!
  2. Recycle. Recycling may seem like common sense to many, but for others not so much. Make sure you are recycling glass products, plastic products, tin, aluminum, and steel products, cardboard, and even paper. And remember to make sure those products are clean before tossing them in the recycling bin!
  3. Make the your own space efficient and clean.  Make spring cleaning all about updating your home with energy efficient technologies
  4. Spread awareness to others and tall others about your own personal "act of green".  Even a simple “Hey, don’t forget to recycle that!” can contribute to the lessening of waste and to the improvement of our planet. While being kind to the environment on your own is also a great thing, reminding others to as well is even more beneficial.       

But don't stop there. We all need to think about how we can do more, use energy more efficiently, and do our part to help preserve our planet for the next generation. And not just on Earth Day, but every day.   So go out an join an Earth Day celebration and begin your adventure as a Clean Energy Champion!